"You ready to get wasted!?"

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Dani's pov:

After I finished texting Alex is quickly got on my clothes and made my way to the door of Sam's room. But to my luck Sam woke up. SHIT!

"Wha-what the hell happened last night?" he groaned while sitting up as his eyes grew wide. "I'm naked" he mumbled.

"Yeah.. So was I...." I mumbled

"Did we have sex?"

"Clearly" I said wanting to just quickly leave the room


"Yeah" I mumbled

"Sorry this was a mistake" he apologized

"Yeah I know, it was just a drunken blur"

"Yeah. So just act like it didn't happen?" he asked

"Yes Sam. I'm going to my room" I said and awkwardly left the room.


Alex's Pov:

I was now almost dinner time so of course I was getting ready for my date with kian tonight. When he asked me out this morning I didn't give him an answer I said I'll think about it. God! why didn't I just say yes? he's an amazing guy and he treats me right and is respectful and nice. Defiantly the opposite of how Jason was.

"You ready?" kian said walking into my room.

I turned around "yeah can you just zip my dress up?"

"Sure" he smiled as he began to zip my dress up. When he was done he whispered in my ear "you're so beautiful."

It sent chills down my spine.

"T-thanks" I stuttered.

"Lets go" he smiled as he grabbed my hand.


As soon as we stepped into the restaurant I was blown away it was so pretty an fancy, kinda like the Cheesecake Factory but much more fancy.

"Kian..." I said in awe

"I had to take a beautiful girl to a beautiful place"

I blushed, god how much more amazing can he get?!?


"Hmm?" he said as we sat down at our table

"Thank you"

"For?" he smiled

"Being such a nice guy and taking me out to dinner" I smiled

"You're welcome"

After dinner we decided to head home since Ricky said they were throwing a party and honestly a person like me never passes up on a party.

"You ready to get wasted?!?" he shouted as we walked into the house.

We heard various yes's from the guys

"Where's Trevor?" kian asked

"He stayed home, we bought alcohol so him mom said no alcohol so yeah" Ricky laughed. kian nodded.

"Where's Samantha?" I laughed

"Oh he's up in his room. I think he has a hangover, he hasn't left his room all morning." Connor said looking confused.

"I'll go see what's up" kian said running up the stairs as I began to talk to JC

Kian's pov:

Sam was up in his room all day? that didn't seem much like him. Hopefully, he isn't going back into one of his depression bouts again because last time it was bad.

"Sam?" i knocked lightly on his door.

"Come in" he mumbled as soon as I walked into his room it was completely dark since it was already dark outside and his lights were off. I could kind of see his figure cuz of the moonlight through the window.

"What's wrong?" I said sitting on his bed.

"I made a mistake" He said sitting up.


"I wanted to take things with Dani slow cuz I don't want her to think she's just a one nightstand. But last night we slept together now it's awkward and she hasn't talked to me since earlier this morning when she left my room and ugh I fucked up kian." He said really fast

"I'm sorry Sam but I don't think Dani will ignore you forever maybe she's just in shock cuz she can't believe she just slept with the guy she likes" I said trying to give my best friend some advice.

"Thanks kian. " He smiled

"You're welcome" I said holding my arms out for a hug. What? he has been my best friend since the 7th grade. We hug.

"Now come on get dressed we're having a pool party!" I smiled ripping the covers off of Sam.

"Okay" he smiled

"Just a by the way Dani will be outside too" I yelled walking back downstairs.


Alex's pov:

We were having so much fun, drinking, dancing and people getting thrown in the pool. The guys of o2l know how to throw a pool party! just as everything was going good I began dancing with someone. It was kinda dark the only thing lighting up the backyard was Christmas lights. Then the dancing turned into kissing. And it felt like kian so I continued kissing him. Until I looked up. To meet eyes with Connor.

He looked stunned also

"Oh shit sorry" we said at the same time.

I just kissed Connor. Oh no.


You're Awkward, I'm Weird. (Kian Lawley)Where stories live. Discover now