NPC: You seen those chiseled stone bricks? Sight to see, those. Cubes inside of cubes inside of cubes. There should be a word for that, huh?
NPC: Everyone is with the diamond rush. Diamond tools, armor... I will continue to use good old iron. It's more common, and not really worse than diamonds. Sure, those are more protective, or more durable, but not too much. What do ya say?
Choice: sure, I get your point. I'll still use diamonds, though.
Choice: no, Are you kidding? Quality is better than quantity, even if it means dealing with dangers!
NPC: Of course, %player%, each with his craft.
NPC: Well, geez %player%, fine! No need to be rude, just saying my opinion.
NPC: When you're swinging that sharp blade of yours, make sure you know where your aiming it, as it can be quite dangerous.
Choice: arrogant, Of course I know where I'm swinging, I'm not blind like you.
Choice: thankful, Thanks %npc%, I'll be sure to take care.
Choice: okay, I'll try to keep that in mind, thanks for the tip %npc%.
NPC: Hey! I'm just trying to help, you son of a...
NPC: No problem %player, I'm sure you'd do the same for me.
NPC: Any time %player%.
NPC: You know, if you want to be safest, you should equip yourself in full diamond; so you're untouchable.
NPC: Me personally, I prefer good ole' iron, but I want you to be as safe as the president in a bunker with 50 military trained ninja agents on guard.
Player: ... Thanks for being worried, but I'm fine...
NPC: Make sure you always have the best sword you can have! Otherwise the beings of the night may overwhelm you.
Choice: blade, Can't you see this fine blade? I can slice any creature effortlessly with this.
Choice: upgrade, You're right, I think I should upgrade this weapon I have.
Choice: run, I'm not too worried, if I do become challenged, I shall run for my life.
NPC: Just making sure you're safe %player%, no need to be aggravated.
Player: Sorry, I didn't mean to sound rude.
NPC: I forgive you.
NPC: Better get going then.
NPC: Haha, courageous as ever %player%.
Player: What must be done, must be done.
NPC: Hey, you know those anvils? You can use those to repair and upgrade weapons, very handy.
Player: Thanks for the info!
Captain Grue's wicked cool portfolio
Sonstiges1. A short story written for assessment for uni, with the prompts "Interview" and "Creating the grotesque". 1000 words. 2. The prologue to a story I'm writing titled "The Manic Mind of Man". 500 words. 3. A portion of dialogue I wrote for a pretty...