Chapter 1

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1984, London

I look up at the kids that are in front of me, walking from one side to the other as I keep reading for them.

They all seem so focused on it, I think it's the first time, since I'm here, that I see them like this. It's fantastic.

I sigh as I finish reading the first paragraph of the book.

"Ok, who wants to continue the reading?" I say smiling at them and immediately they all raise their little hands with a lot of enthusiasm "Oh let me see who..."

I glance at Luke, who is in the last row, hiding behind Lucy. I've noticed that he's a little shy. He never participates in class and it's not because he doesn't know the answer, I know he does. So I'll talk with him about it.

But for now this might help.

"Luke" everyone looks at him and I see how he blushes "Can you continue please"

"Me?" I nod and give him a sweet smile. He looks at his book as everyone do the same and takes a big breath "The little duck was feeling sad because..."

He starts reading with a low voice but I think he started to feel more confident because he raises his voice a little bit.

We're making a progress.

When he finishes, the bell sounds loudly indicating that the recess starts

"Ok, you all keep your books and go to your recess."

I turn around to put the book on my desk and when I return to see them, they're still here.

"Hey, Aren't you going to your recess?"

"Yep, but first..." Nina says standing up from her seat "We wanted to say that we're sorry if we've been misbehaving"

"Yeah" now Jake is standing "We didn't like the idea to have another teacher and thought you were bad"

"But no" now is Louis "You're one of the best teachers just like Miss Summers, right guys?" he says looking at all his friends

"Yes" they say in a chorus. My heart melts when I hear all they've been saying.

"So could we be friends now?" says Louis. All of them looking at me with a tender look

"Oh God guys, you're so sweet" I smile at them "Obviously yes little guys" I open my arms "Come here, I want an hug"I chuckle as they run to hug me. In a few seconds, they're all over me. Hug twenty eight kids of nine years old isn't easy but I do what I can.

"Fine, if you guys don't want to lose your recess, go now" they look at me and smile

"Thank you Miss Lindsey" I smile as I see how one by one they leave the classroom.

"Wow" I look to Amanda who's at the door with a surprised face  "You got them"

"I think so" I laugh a little and she walks towards me until she's in front of me.

"For them, there wasn't a better teacher than Katie" she smiles at me "We finally found someone"

"Oh thanks, I'm really glad"

Really I'm. These past two weeks I was a disaster.

"It's good" she glances at me, curious "And...How are you? Are you finished with the move?"

I sigh "No, we still have some things to fix. We've been very busy"

"I can imagine" she laughs "And how is your husband?" I frown. Why she wants to now about him if she don't know him? Ok, Lindsey, don't overreact "I mean, I know he's part of the army right? He hasn't had to go..."

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