Capturing Criminals is Such a Pain...

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You were trailing the convicts at a far distance insuring they wouldn't hear or even see you. Bored, you whipped out your phone and listened in on McGuire and Jimmy as they wrapped up the case successfully, only problem was they didn't have the convicts (but it was all okay since you were trailing them).

You couldn't wait to see the reactions of the police when you told them you knew the whereabouts of the criminals and bargained with them for that gorgeous sapphire chocker necklace that you wanted! You were so happy you almost forgot that your were still tailing the criminals... almost. Snapping back into the harsh cold reality, you realized that you would not be able to get that necklace if you didn't apprehend the criminals, so you continued to follow them. They eventually stopped somewhere, some kind of crummy looking run-down shack of a 'hide-out' or something...

But hey, you didn't even have a 'hideout'... so who were you to judge?

You snuck up stealthily and quickly slid inside before they closed door. Man was it easy to follow these idiots... you didn't even know how they escaped in the first place! You waited in your hiding spot up on the ceiling beams when your foot accidentally bumped a mouse trap.

You eyes widened as you thought to yourself, 'Aw cra-'

The mouse trap clattered to the floor, the noise causing everyone to look at the spot it had fell. Noticing there was going to be absolutely no place to hide up in the ceiling, you sighed knowing that as soon as they looked up you would be exposed. You reached into your pocket clicking your tongue in annoyance... drat... you didn't bring the smoke-bombs.

"Time to get messy I suppose..." You muttered to yourself.

You leaped down from your perch landing in front of a shocked man, who fell to the floor when you swung your one leg out kicking his leg out from beneath him, his head hitting the floor with a thud causing him to pass out. Everyone whipped around to face you.

"What th-" one of them started but was cut off when you shot up and dashed towards her punching her in the gut causing her to double over. Taking this chance you karate chopped her on the back of the neck making her lose conciseness and fall face forward to the ground.

Two more men charged at you. This would be difficult. You would first take out the one to the left who, due to his speed, would reach you first. You would take him down with one swift kick under the chin and send him flying back into the wall. Then using your momentum you would use the leg you had just kicked with to stand on, and spin around to your right using your other leg, using the force to kick him on the side of the neck. The force should be enough to knock him out.

You preformed your plan flawlessly. The only problem being that one of the convects had snuck up behind you and grabbed your long scarf yanking you back towards him.

You mentally cursed your scarf for being so long.

You tripped backwards and the man slipped his arms under your arms and held you in a lock. You struggled to get out but MAN was he stronger then you expected. I mean he didn't even release you when you jammed your heal into his toes,truly a strong man... (haha).

One of the the two (still conscience) convicts started walking towards you and drawing his flick blade out. "Don't worry, I will make this quick~" he reassured you.

"Well geez, thanks~" you joked sarcastically, rolling your eyes from beneath your mask.

He ran forward to stab you and you quickly used all your force to suddenly shift to one side. The man holding you before released you and jumped back, afraid of the knife that was now coming towards him (since your body wasn't blocking him anymore). Sadly, your upper arm area slightly below your shoulder was hit by the knife giving you a large deep gash in your arm.

Anonymous (Jimmy Kudo x Reader x Kaito Kid)Where stories live. Discover now