Garden of Eden.

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You may hate me after this but yeet lol. This isn't going to be good...yeah this ones gonna be shorter.

Taehyung's POV

I had the dirty bastard arrested and made it my duty to stay by kookie's side. He was told to stay in the hospital for another two days before he would be able to get discharged. I stayed with him day and night, sleeping beside his bed and only leaving to get food or go to the bathroom.

The fashion show was in less than two weeks and the stress was really getting to me. I worried that kookie wouldn't be able to come back and help me on time.

"Tae..." I lifted my gaze from my phone to him, humming for him to continue. "I want to go to the garden. Do you recon I'm allowed? I mean I'm getting discharged soon." He spoke quietly and fiddled with his hands in his lap. I chuckled and stood up, ruffling is hair. I love his hair. "I'll go ask the doctor if you're allowed. I'll be back soon." I was about to leave but his hand clutched onto mine and I saw fear strike his eyes like a match. "What's wrong? I'm only going to be a second." I whispered and moved my hand to cup his cheek. He leaned into the touch and one silver tear rolled down onto my hand. "I'm scared to be alone, T-Taehyung. I know he's in jail but I can't shake him out of my mind. I-I'm sorry you must be tired of babying me like that." He moved away quickly and leaned back on his bed. I sighed softly and moved to sit on the bed next to him. I grabbed him gently by the shoulders and slowly brought him into a hug, holding him securely but not too tightly not to trigger any bad memories.

"It's okay. You go. I'll just text Jimin for a while since he keeps complaining about me not talking to him." He smiled and pulled away. I smiled back and kissed his forehead. "I'll be right back." I said and left the room, quickly walking to the doctors office.

Jungkook's POV

When Tae left I quickly whipped out my phone, trying to ignore the fact that I was left alone. I opened up my snapchat for the first time since that day and opened up all the streaks, get well better's and then jumped onto the waterfall of shit Jimin sent me.



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,Mr.Kim...? (Secretary!Jungkook X CEO! Taehyung) VKOOK Where stories live. Discover now