One Call

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Thank you @DemonPhannieXD for this awesome idea. I'm making this a two parter so yeah.

Warning: Fluff (I know intense right?), swearing, and Jared

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Warning: Fluff (I know intense right?), swearing, and Jared. 

I walk around my apartment looking for the remote that Jared had last. Jared is my stupid fucking roommate, he was my only friend in high school so I stuck with him and his three tiny fuckers that barks. He went to go out to get the mail leaving me with said tiny fuckers that bark. I finally find the remote that was actually in my hand. I fucking hate my life. I sit on the couch and Jared walks in with the mail, I look over and say "did you get the porn that you wanted?" he looks at me and scoffs, "no but I got an important letter for us"

"What is it?"

"Chill gayphy"

"Ugh" Jared opens the letter, I look over and read it, it says: "Dear Jared Klienman and Connor Murphy, we have invited you two to the 10th year high school reunion! It will be taken at York high. It will be on June 7th, 6-11 hope you can make it! 
- Alana Beck" 

Of course it was Alana that planned it, she always did something like this. She also knows that we're living together because she's marrying my sister in about three months. "I think we should go!" Jared says happily, I scoff and shrug looking away, "I don't want to" I disappointingly say. 

"What why?!"

"Because everyone will be married, have successful jobs, has kids, is rich. And I'm a failed musician living with someone that I hate not even dating and have three assholes that only bark at me." 

"Well fuck you too, it isn't so bad, we have good jobs. And the three assholes are my babies how dare you."

"I'm a fucking sales man and you're a tool."    

"I'm a hotel manager"

"Whatever, we can't go because I'm a loser" I lean back and sigh. Jared looks at me then goes onto his phone smiling. "You won't be for long" he says running into his room. I wanted to go after him but then I realize, I lost the remote again.


I wake up to a knock on the door, I get up and look that it's 7 am, ugh I hate life. I get up and walk to the door. I open it and say "yes?" I look up and see a really really handsome boy in front of me. He took my breath away. I chock up on words as my jaw drops. "I uh- oh- um sorry" I cough. "Hello, I'm Evan Hansen. Does Jared Klienman live here?" he asks me. I wonder my eyes up and down his body, not being able to keep my eyes off him. "Y-yeah he's here. JARED" I yell.

"So you must be his roommate that he was talking about" he says.

"Uh I guess I am, may I ask why are you here?" 

"He's heere to make you look non school shooter chic and to be your fiancée" Jared says coming out of no where with a bag. I open my eyes wide, this hot piece of ass is going to be my fiancée?! Hell yeah! But I shouldn't seem like I like him, that would be weird. "Yeah, okay. So do you know anything about me?" I ask Evan. "Well not really but I can't wait to be of service with you, I'll learn a lot. Jared will be in my apartment taking care of my cats Pepi and Piper for the week and will meet you at the reunion." 

"So you're staying here?" I ask.

"Yup, and I can't wait!" He goes out into the hall and gets his stuff. "Are you crazy?" I whisper to Jared. "What?" 

"How do you know him? Who is he?" I ask.

"I had friends other than you, our moms were friends so I was friends with him. He owed me a favor so I asked him this and asked one of his friends to come with me." I smile and say thank you. Evan come in with the bag and puts it in the living room. "Bye Jared" Evan says as he leaves.

"So it's just us" I say. Evan stands next to me and says "and only us." He gets out a note pad and a pencil and writes down something leaving the room. I shrug and sit down as Garret sits on my lap, he's a corgi and is still a puppy. The other two dogs are at Jareds moms for three weeks thank God. Evan comes into the room and says, "okay so I contacted my stylest and she'll be here in three minutes." 

"Why do we need a stylest?" I ask him annoyed.

"Because we need to cut that fabulous hair!" he says sitting down and touching it. I sigh and push his hand away, "okay mr. grumpy pants." I roll my eyes and pet Garret. "So do you have any siblings?" he asks. "Yeah her name is Zoe." 


"Mom names Cynthia and dad named asshole Larry."

"You're gay, fights with your sister, you do drugs only weed though, you don't like dogs much, your dad didn't like it that you were gay, your mom supports you, and you love music" Evan says getting everything right, "how'd you know?" I ask him. "Oh I took a class about peoples lives and how things go." 

"What's your life story super star?" 

"My dad left me when I was 7, my mom had to support us while taking classes to be a lawyer, she was a nurse, took anti depressions, had major anxiety, I love love love trees, and I broke my arm once from... falling" Evan looks away for a moment. "You actually signed it, Jared said no but you came up to me in the printer room and asked to because no one did. I agreed. We didn't become friends because I was too shy" he tells me. I look at him with shock but amazed at the story.

I heard a knock and I said come in, it was a woman assuming it was Evans style person. "Oh wow what a hot mess" she says. "Lucy, he's not a mess give him some respect" Evan defends. "Don't worry dude, I'll fix you up!" I roll my eyes and I was asked to sit down in a chair.


"Lets go outside and see how it looks" Lucy says as we walk out, Evan gets his camera and we get into position, "okay smile!" he says. I didn't but I looked at him. He then shows us:

 He then shows us:

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"Wow" I say. I loved my long hair, but I like this too. I thank Lucy as she packs up inside. 

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