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Well in case you're already one of my little penguins and have read 'More Than We Seem', Thankyou for believing i can write another good book and being patient with me until i decide to write the sequal. Me Loves you long time.

Aaaand if you just discovered me. HI! My name's Sophia (Just call meh Mitzy), and from now on, i'll be that little annoying voice at the back of your head telling you to burn things :) and if you don't like this, go read MTWS, because apparently it was actually good! much to my surprise...

Anyway, THIS. Is my new story.

Be prepared.

To be amazed!

...or disgusted...



Believe it or not, i tend to do that to people without even trying... mostly just by speaking... i don't have a filter between my brain and my mouth, so i tend to just talk and talk and talk...

But hopefully i can finish this story without a problem! and if allgoes well it won't be a total disgrace to all of your cultures :D

~Just letting you know, it's kind of dark to begin with. Harry's not a very happy chappy :( But don't worry, his knight in carrot scented armour will save him ;)

Vamos a hacer esto!! (Google Translate maybe?)


Harry's POV

You're nothing special, you never will be.

That's the type of 'encouragement' i spent my entire life enduring. Not just from the people who hated me for whatever reason i gave them, but as well as the people who supposedly 'loved me', like they really cared about me.

I've always thought i gave no one a reason to achknoledge my existence, let alone dispise me. I keep out of others business, i stay in my place, constantly being beaten down, stepped on, crushed until only insecurities, self doubt and self loathing remained.

You'll never amount to anything


You're worthless

Parents... step dad mostly.

Why haven't you killed yourself yet?

Pretty much everyone...

Believe me i've tried. I've tried to escape it all, i've tried to make everyone happier by not existing. But i can't even do that right.

I don't see why anyone would care anyway, i practically don't exist as it is. No one notices me, no one looks at me or even takes a glance at me out of the corner of their eyes. What i am, is completely alone. When i'm at home, at school, at the several jobs i managed to keep for more than a week.

I'm your classic invisible kid at school. The kid who's name no one can remember, that kid who gets picked on for getting good grades, although that's not me. My grades are 'C' average. Being stupid is just another reason for people to hate me. I came to this school, not really at my own will, but because I was told once by my pastor that i had a nice voice, he said i was gifted and reccomended this school to my parents. It's quite expensive and the only reason my parents paid for it was so i wasn't stuck at home all day. It's close enough so i can still go to and from there easily, and it's far enough away for my step dad to give excuses why he can't drop me off beforehand and pick me up afterwards.

All Because of you ~Larry Stylinson~Where stories live. Discover now