My girl ( niall horan fanfic)

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Hi my name is Alex Louise Tomlinson , you'd think because my brother is Louis Tomlinson of One Direction my life would be perfect .Well if you thought that then you are wrong , my life is far from perfect. why?? You may ask , for one I get bullied at school and two my jealous ex boyfriend James has recently started stalking me , it's really creepy .

If you think that's perfect then there is something really wrong with you .

Chapter 1
Alex's POV
*alarm sounds*(6am)
Ergh school, another day in that hell hole . Well at least it is last day before summer break.I got washed and went to go and find something to wear (it's a non uniform day), I chose shorts, since it is warm today , and a mint belly top.Then like sister like brother I put in mint coloured toms.My make-up was natural with mascara that made my eyes stand out.And my blue and blonde hair was in its natural curls.

I finally got to school, as usual my 3 best friends were waiting for me at the gates, Kourtney , Summer and Mia.
"Hey gurls" I said hugging all I them,
"Hey, you look beautiful" Mia said
"Thanks" I said back
*bell rings*
"Well we better get to class" Summer told us all, all 4 of us are in the same classes.

*lunch time sat eating lunch*

"Alex , James is staring at you again " Kourtney told me
"Oh my days, I wish he would go and prev on someone else " I told them " I have had enough I am telling Louis "

*at home in my bedroom*

I picked up my phone and called Louis.

L: Hello sis, how are you?
A: Not great Lou to be honest
L: why what's up ?
A: you know me ex boyfriend
L: James , yeh
A: well for about the past 3 weeks he was been stalking me and it is really creeping me out now
L: ok well since it is summer break do you want to come and stay with me and the boys
A: Aww really Lou , I would love to
L: I will set up the spare room
A: thanks BooBear
L: I will pick you up tomorrow afternoon okay
A: Okay Lou, love you bro
L: LOve you too sis bye
A: bye

(Hangs up)

Louis's POV

"Guys , I have just got off the phone with my sister and she will be staying with us for awhile " I told the boys
" Ok but why?" Liam asked
" Well basically her ex boyfriend is stalking her and she wants to get away from him" I explained
"Okay , I haven't seen Alex in like forever" Niall said
"Niallers got a crush on Alex" Harry said in a singy voice . Niall said nothing just smiled .
" Niall can I talk to you in private please " I said to him
"Sure lou" he said.We went upstairs into the game room
"What's up lou?" he asked me
"Do you really have a crush on Alex?" I asked him
"Erm yeh I have for a while but I couldn't tell her because she went out with James" he told me nervously
"Nialler , I find it cute how you like my sister " I told him
"Really?!" he said shocked
"Yeh, and I think she might like you too" u told him smirking
"I hope so " Niall said
You can tell he really likes her . I hope Alex sees that Niall is the right person to be with. and she has told me she liked him the most out of the band apart from my obviously.

*Next day*

"Guys, I'm off to go and pick up Alex " I told the boys
"Okay" I heard Zayn shout back

I got to my old house and Alex ran out and have me a big hug.
"Hi BooBear" she said
" Hi Al" I said back " wow you have packed a lot " I said walking into the hall way
" Yeh it is basically most of stuff " she told me
" Ok let's go , I told mum that I was on my way to pick you up and she just told us to lock the house up " I told her
"Okay let's go" she said getting one of her many suitcases and putting it in the back of the car

Niall's POV

I heard voices coming from the hallway out side.Then Alex and Louis came through the door.WOW.She looks so beautiful. Her hair in her natural curls , her make up natural, but I don't know why she wears make up she doesn't need it, and her outfit .She was wearing a skater skirt and a pink and green belly top.She is so cute.

"Niall !!" Alex screamed , she hugged me tight.Her hugs are so sweet and warm.We broke the hug, he looked into my eyes and I looked into hers.
"Alex" Louis said and we both snapped out of out daze.She said hi to everybody else then she took her things upstairs with Louis.

Alex's POV

"Thanks Louis , for letting me stay with you guys I told him
"It's ok sis , I know you wanted to get away from James " he said back
"Yeh, it was going on for too long , I just had to hey away " I told him
"It's fine honest sis" he old me while putting my last suitcase in my closet
"Let's go down stairs" he said
"Ok" I said back

We both walked into the living room
"Hey guys" I said walking through the door
"Hey beautiful" Harry said
I blushed a little but it was hardly noticeable.After Harry said that Louis slapped Harry round the head.
"Hey what was that for ?!?" Harry asked
"For hitting on my little sister" Louis replied
"What should we do ? " I asked everybody
"Truth or dare? " Louis asked
"Yeh, why not " Liam said . Everybody sat in a circle on the floor with aload of blankets and cushions.
"Louis can go first since he suggested it" I told him
"Ok" he said

"Zayn, truth or dare ?" Louis asked
"Truth" Zayn said
"Would you ever shave all your hair off" Louis asked
"No are you mad "Zayn says, everybody laughed
"Okay, my turn" Zayn said
Everybody stopped laughing
"Ok, Alex truth or dare ? " Zayn asked me
"Dare please" I said
"I dare you to kiss .... Harry!" I turned to look at Louis who was sat next to Niall,both their faces were shocked. I turned to face Harry who was sat on my left. we both leaned in until our lips connected. I felt nothing kissing Harry no sparks or anything, I did not want to do this dare at all.Our lips parted when we heard a door slam shut .

Authors note :
This is my first story so please no hate. I have wrote this story as I love one direction and Niall Horan. I am Irish myself. Am from Dublin but some of my family live in Mullingar so I often go and visit them and them .But I live in the UK
I hope to be posting often and getting loads of reads and comments and votes on this story .


Tyler xx

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