chapter 12

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The school bell rang and laughter filled the hallways. Students were strolling around and chatting with each other, some were on their way to eat lunch, some were plotting against their teachers and some were leaving the school grounds because they simply had enough of classes for that day. I was getting a lot of strange looks during that break, even more than usually, but I didn't particularly care. I was happily whistling to myself and mopping the hallway in front of our classroom.

Jiyong nearly walked right past me, before she realised that I wasn't one of the cleaners and froze. She slowly turned around and stared at me with disbelief. There were large black sunglasses resting on her nose, but I still immediately knew. She crossed her arms on her chest and tilted her head to the side. '' I understand that you are poor and everything, but don't you think that cleaning at your own school is a little too much? Your hands might already look like the ones of an old woman, but you don't need to ruin them with cleaning products even more! ''

I chuckled in amusement and rolled my eyes. '' I am helping the cleaner. She is pregnant and her back is really hurting today, so I told her to take a break and that I'll take care of the cleaning in the meantime. You know, there was a time when I was helping at a cleaning service. After that job nothing really disgusts me anymore. ''

'' Not even a terrible fashion choice? Well, that does explain how you can leave the house wearing those old sneakers of yours! '' She loudly gasped and raised her hand. '' I just got an idea! When is your birthday? I'm buying you moisturiser and a pair of nice sneakers! What do you prefer, Louis Vuitton or Gucci? ''

I grinned at her mockery and continued mopping the floor. She seemed to be in a good mood today and I quickly found out why. Apparently her and Chanyeol were going shopping later in the afternoon and she was always looking forward to alone time with him. There wasn't even any romance involved, she just enjoyed his presence. '' We need to buy new formal outfits. Kyungsoo is going to hold a piano performance in one of his dad's theatres. ''

I leaned against my mop and frowned with confusion. '' Really? I thought he hated playing. Did he decide to accept what his parents told him? Piano or goodbye money? ''

'' He does hate it, but what else could he do? '' Jiyong shrugged and gazed out the window. '' I can't even begin to imagine it. Living without money must be so tough... I have decided! I am donating to a charity today! Ah, I feel better already! ''

She happily clapped to herself, while I rolled my eyes again and quietly laughed at her antics. In moments like these I understood why most people hated her or thought she was crazy. Her personality was definitely unique and it took another unlikable girl such as myself to understand it. She didn't really mean anything bad, she was just that way because of all the hardships that she went through in life. I used to think that people like her couldn't possibly understand pain, but everyone had something that they were struggling with. There was always a shadow, no matter the amount of money or the perfect life that they seemed to have.

'' Oh wow, '' Jiyong suddenly mumbled and I turned towards her with surprise. She was looking somewhere towards the end of the hallway and the corner of her mouth was twitching up in a smile. '' Would it be wrong to go after a police officer? ''

'' Depends if you like getting handcuffed during- '' I began and grinned in amusement, but I stopped in the middle of my sentence when I realised who she was looking at. My eyes grew wide at the sight of the principal and the guy that he was speaking with. This was the first time that I have seen Jiyong's father and I had no idea that he returned from his vacation in Hawaii, but it was the one that was with him that surprised me more. He was speaking with no one else than the police detective that I contacted and told to come to the El Dorado bar two nights ago.

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