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He was the prince, but she was most definitely not his Cinderella.

Soft piano music, expensive champagne with gold flakes, dresses that cost more than a regular month's pay, shiny jewellery and fake smiles. That was all that you could see when you looked around the rooftop restaurant that evening. If you could see through the clouds of cigar smoke and perfume anyways. A very rich man booked the entire place for his birthday party and the people that were invited were the wealthiest Seoul. They seemed to be having fun, but even he could tell that the only reason that they came was because of his power. They were the kind of people that were prepared to do everything for power, even if their wallets were already overflowing with money and they could do anything they wanted. It wasn't enough. It was never enough. 

A few individuals undoubtedly stood out from the crowd.

The first one was a man with bright red hair. In reality the only reason why my eyes stayed on him for a moment too long was the crazy and bright colour that didn't fit in the crowd of seemingly sophisticated people. I instantly noticed the group of girls that were surrounding his tall figure, laughing at all of his jokes and showering him with attention. He was in his element when he was being admired by the ladies and after eavesdropping to them, I had to admit that they didn't seem to like him just because of his money. The looks that he had to go along with it were definitely a plus, but his jokes were also kind of funny and he did seem to have a charming personality.

The second interesting individual just replaced the piano player. The older woman he was speaking to was holding his champagne glass and telling something about him to the group of other people that were standing there, while he smiled, so clearly fake and started playing. He was good at it, surprisingly good, but for some kind of reason he seemed to hate it. His black eyes became dull when his fingers moved across the keyboard and a shadow fell over his features. The woman clearly didn't notice the way his mood changed and her and the other people continued clapping in excitement and laughing.

I also noticed something else that was certainly interesting. In the moment that he started playing, the ladies man with red hair stopped smiling too. He recognised his friend's music in an instant and the girls he was speaking with only exchanged confused looks when he mumbled something and started walking away from them.

He wasn't the only one that recognised the change of music in the restaurant. Another, third figure that caught my interest, slowly raised his gaze. He was the one standing by the bar, sipping his fourth champagne of the night and ignoring everyone around him. His pure black tux looked really good on him and his dark hair was swept back. He was handsome and he clearly knew how to work it. The power radiating from his aura was keeping everyone away from him, even if he was surrounded by people. Some glanced towards him every now and then and their eyes held fear and admiration. He was someone out of their league and they couldn't do anything but watch him from up far.

'' Who are you drooling over? Another millionaire that is way out of your league? ''

Someone snapped their fingers in front of my face and I nearly dropped my tray on the ground.

'' Earth to Somin? Are you still with us? ''

I turned around and glared at Sehun. He was holding a tray full of champagne glasses in his hand and watching me with a clearly judging expression on his face. His spotless white shirt held no wrinkles and his handsome features were earning him a lot of admiring looks from the rich ladies that were at the party tonight. '' Why do you always get distracted on events like this one? We get it, you are jealous, we all are, but you know what boss said! Another complaint for being creepy and you are back in the kitchen and washing dishes! ''

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