Lindsay's POV
Pfft. Just the lonely oboe girl here...... And that means all my friends are like, flute players .bleh. Well I didn't mind it so much. There was Jasmine, a tromboner (no suprise to me) who kept checking me out (lesbian) as always (she did that at camp too). She didn't even say hi to me the whole time at area band! That beeyotch! She remembers me i know it! as for our performane we one again failed one of mrs kleopfards pieces, i feel ashamed. Anywaysi was watching the reesor park ppl come in. so many white ppl... i feel so dominated. and then i saw... him. he had grown since the last time i saw him. wavy blonde hair, tan skin, skinny in a muscley way, it was correy! inside of me i was so conflicted whether to say hi or not. After the performane i left without a goodbye, i felt sad. I didn't like him but still i wanted to at least say hi. Depressed as ever i waited for the bus stupid mood swings! nothing to cheer me up with some selfies! a few selfies later i turn around to see: an asian douche walking towards me, his eyes so squinty its not even funny, tall but skinny and was walking like he needed to sh*t really badly. this guy is really weird........... do i slap him or laugh at him, i forget P: his weirdness got my mind off of my depression and we said goodbye. On the bus i laughed at him as he was stuck at the curb waiting. one word for that guy: senpai
~~~~~~ at randall
Our performance was AWESOME. any ways after jasmine FINALY regcognized me:
her: do i know u
me: *finaly!* yes im from your camp *i said as fast as eric messes up (piano)*
her: ummmm catherine right?
me: *facepalm* LINDSAY!
theres a dumb struck look of regognition on her face. then she says something about kissing ryan yada yada yada...........wait WHAT! EWWWW! and she mentions the shirt/towel incidnent! eww..... so we go play grounders at the park, when we leave i hear jasmine being teased about eric and steven. i start to twith......... out of jealousy? no! even in denial the whole bus ride was filled of thoughts of eric. if jasmine kissed ryan maybe she wont go for eric, why cantt i be a damn tromboner so i an be with him! fuck the world i wanna be on his bus! the torture of the bus went by slowly. i looked at my phone, i remember the selfy i took with him. I would treasure it for the rest of my after life 3:) when i went to sleep all i could think about is how he kept checking out my headphones
~~~~~~ at areas
I was just there to chill ya know? nothing really to care about, just do it. Then i saw,,,, HIS FACE. > *_*<------ We spent the whole day hanging. BUT EVEERY SINGLE FUCKING SCHOOL WONT LEAVE US ALONE!!! i dont wanna be lindsrick, im always asexual and nothins gonna change that.............right? after that we basicaly spend most of our time sexting on fb. the most sexiest picture i have of him is him eating some hot bbq pork...yum-me. after so many screen shots, statuses and pics, i finally decided............
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YOLO! screw everything, i wanna screw eric and thats what im gonna fucking do!! im gonna fuck eric to freakin hell and keep fucking him in hell! And thats hwo lindsrick was born. she confessed to eric and now th4ere are more fb statuses than ever! (and books) now erics actually being civil and im not that ragey (maybe) . pt 3 coming up on friday when we play bb!