Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

I hate going back to school after a break. Well, technically spring break ended yesterday, but my brain still hasn't decided to work properly. There's only one thing, or person, I should say, that keeps me from going insane.

"Hey, Alex," he whispers as he hesitantly hugs me.

"Hey, Cody. How ya been?" I respond nervously. I catch my best friend Emma making a heart with her hands and smiling at me from behind Cody. I make a face at her while Cody's searching through his backpack.

He pulls out his homework and gives me one of his heart-melting smiles as he says,"I've been pretty good, but my break was pretty stupid. Nothing to do. Well, I could've listened to my dad and practiced baseball, but I was kind of too lazy." His big brown eyes stare at me for a few seconds before he looks down, blushing slightly. Then he turns back to his half-finished homework and looks at it for a few seconds while shaking his head. " Any idea when this thing is due? Ms. Beane hasn't gone over this with us yet, so I have no idea how to do any of this."

"Oh, um... I can try to help you during free period...if you want," I manage to say.

"Oh, really? Um...well you don't have to... but if you don't mind..."

"Not at all. I don't have anything better to do," I say a little too quickly. I give a reassuring smile to try to hide my nervousness. Oh how enjoyable life is when you're constantly awkward like me.

"Thanks...see you then I guess." As he walks away, Emma comes up to me with a creepy huge smile on her face. I'm smiling but after a second I give her an annoyed look before attempting to walk away, but she grabs my arm before I can take two steps.

"He so likes you, Alexandra, did you see how he smiled and blushed at you? And he gave you a hug! Has he always called you Alex? He knows your name, right? OMG! You guys would be the cutest couple ever!!!" She practically yells to the whole hallway.

"Would you shut up?" I whisper as I cover her mouth,"We're just friends. I think he's hugged me before, and he probably blushed because he felt stupid for not knowing how to do his homework." By now she's let go of my arm and we walk to my locker. I unlock it with a little trouble since I didn't use use it for like, two weeks."And i don't know why he calls me Alex, but I... kind of like it," I admit.

I grab my things for art and start walking while Emma's still right behind me trying to say how cute the new guy ,who came the day break ended, looks.

"Will looks so so so cute! Did you see his eyes? And I heard he plays lacrosse!" she sighs.

"First you stalk me the whole way down the hallway, and now you're gonna stalk the new kid? What happened to you? You're so creepy now." She gives me a look as I laugh and walk into art.

When I get there, I sit down in my usual spot next to the window. I pull out my sketchbook and start drawing a picture of my view. My mind drifts off to what happened with Cody earlier. I lied to Emma when I said he's hugged me before. I've liked him for a little over a year and the most he's done before was give me a high five after I got a hundred percent on one of my math tests. But we have been talking more in the hallways, and he's started calling me Alex instead of my actual name, Alexandra. I really hope Emma's right about him liking me, but I'm way too shy to ask him. Though I have caught him staring at me during lunch before. Sometimes he looks away when I look at him, but other times we lock eyes for what feels like forever. When that happens, I'm usually the first to look away. Yeah... I'm awkward.

I look down at my drawing and notice that I subconsciously wrote AK+CS for Alexandra Keith and Cody Smith. There's also little hearts all over the page. Whoops. I blush, and turn the page, praying that no one saw that when the new guy, Will, sits down next to me. I had to help him his first day since we have a lot of classes together. He would be a good match for Emma as far as I can tell. But he's not as good looking as Cody is. Cody's tall, has dark brown hair, sparkling dark brown eyes, a great smile, and freckles on his cheeks and across his nose, while Will's shorter with messy blonde hair, green eyes, and braces. He is really nice though. We're already friends.

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