Chapter 8

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Will just agreed to be my personal servant for the rest of the day. Nice. And he wasn't joking about it. A few minutes ago in Art, he noticed my pencil was a little dull. When I put it down, he grabbed it, ran to the sharpener, ran back, and handed it to me with a weird smile on his face.

He's been doing small things like that for the past hour.

We get a weird look from Cody when he sees me walking through the hallways with nothing in my hands while Will's struggling to keep up behind me with two backpacks on his shoulders and several books in his arms. "It's his punishment. I'll forgive him after he's been my servant for the whole day." Cody just raises his eyebrow and nods before walking to his class.

"So, you never told me exactly why the principal needs to see me after school. I didn't do anything. Well, not recently at least..." Will grabs my math stuff and follows me out the door.
"Don't worry, you're not in trouble or anything, he just needs to talk to you about your... ability." I get an amusing face full of realization from him in response. "I can take my stuff now."
"No, I am your faithful servant and I shall bring your precious items to your destination for you."
"Okay, weirdo."
We walk in and Cody greets us with laughter he failed to hold back. He looks at my struggling "servant" and puts his hands out saying,"Bro, let me take that stuff. You look like you're going to drop it any second."
"Is this what it feels like to 'shop till you drop'?"
"Probably. I'm usually not carrying that much when I shop. You should probably go or you'll be late." He nods and waves as he runs out of the classroom.
The bell rings, and our teacher stands up from her desk. "Good morning, class. Isn't it just a lovely Monday morning?" The class groans in response. "Yeah, I feel the same way. Okay, well today we'll be continuing working on our projects. And yes, you still have to do them even though we had all those days off." The class groans again. "Oh, be quiet. Get in your groups." She waves us away and sits back down at her desk.
I motion for Emma and Cody to sit near me, and Zack follows behind. "So, who else has no idea what to do?" I ask. We all raise our hands. "Yeah, thought so. Okay, let's figure out what the actual project is.Then we can decide who does what."
Zack gives me a look. "Who made you the boss you little b-"
"Hey, lets be nice to each other. You know, not call each other names or like kill each other. It's just a science project," Cody interrupts.
We find out the project's about how the "elements" can affect an ecosystem. Oh, how fun. Emma and I work on starting research while the boys find pictures and diagrams for the poster. Zack doesn't seem to be doing anything, so Cody's on the computer, and gives me a look that says "kill me now." The tension between them is almost distracting.

"That was the longest science class I've had in a while," Cody whispers as we're walking out the door.
"Tell me about it."

• • • • •

I close my locker door and find Will standing there with his arms out, ready to take my things again. "School's over. It's okay, you don't have to be my servant anymore."

"But you haven't said you forgive me yet."

"I'm working on it."

"So where did the principal say to meet him?"

I don't think he'd react well to me saying we're going to a secret hiding place under the school that is accessed by a door in the cafeteria, so I say, "Near the cafeteria."

"Interesting..." We turn the corner, and I see Cody talking to another guy. Since he's facing away from us, the other guy notices us first and smirks at me. He whispers something to Cody, who turns around to look at us as well.

"Hey! You guys know Johnny, right?" His gaze lingers on me.

"I'm pretty sure I have a class with you. Gym maybe?" He asks after a second. He does look really familiar.

"I think so. Do you play guitar by any chance?"

"Yeah, I'm a guitarist in my band. I'm also lead singer." He smirks again. "You're Alex, right?" He reaches out his hand and gives me a firm handshake.

"Well, it's Alexandra, but you can call me Alex." Cody's watching his friend next to him very carefully.

"Well, it's a pleasure to actually meet you, my dear lady. I have heard so much about you from my companion," he says with an accent as he kisses my knuckles.

"He thinks he's funny," a slightly annoyed Cody says. "We should probably go into the cafeteria soon."

"Alright, I have to practice with my band anyway. See you later, man." Johnny waves. "Oh, you guys should see my band play this Saturday at a small club. We're called the Unheard Silence. I wanted the name to be Almost Broken Chargers because when we were choosing it, I had a charger that would only work if I held my phone a certain way. The other guys didn't enjoy my humor, though. Anyway, if you want to come, I'll give you the details later."

"Sounds fun, why not?" I respond. He smiles, and waves as he turns to walk to the guitar room. We walk into the cafeteria to meet the principal.

"Where is he?" Will asks.

"Just follow me," Cody responds as he walks into the lunch line. He opens the door next to the refrigerator and decends the stairs. Will stays silent, which is weird for him. The principal is in one of the rooms that we haven't been in yet, but I assume is a kitchen because he's making coffee. We walk into the room, and I see that it's a full size, gourmet kitchen. We all stop and stare at the granite countertops, stainless steel appliances,dark wood cabinets, and huge island in the middle.

"Woah. The school can pay for this, but can't afford nicer seats?" Will asks in awe.

The principal turns to us. "Oh, I didn't hear you guys come in. How are- Cody?"

"Yes sir?"

"Where's your necklace?"

"Good question, sir."


A/N: This chapter is dedicated to laladacrazy for helping me think of Unheard Silence. And the cute guy (Billy Unger) above or to the side is Cody.  I'm so sorry I haven't updated, but I kind of lost motivation to write for a while. Now that I'm on break, I'm editing past chapters, and that gave me motivation to keep writing the story. So, thank you so much to the people who have been waiting and reading The Creators since the beginning! Tell me what you guys think about Johnny.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2016 ⏰

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