2. The Ugly Truth

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With shaky arms Jeongguk hoists himself from the ground and dusts off his black jeans. With no idea what to do Sena stays watching as he stood there for a moment before slowly walking away.


He kept walking.

"Jeongguk!" She jogs after him the best she could in these heels.

"Dude, what are you doing?"

Jeongguk kept his head down and shoved his hands into the large pocket of his hoodie.

"Jeongguk, are you ignoring me right now? Oh my god. You are such a dick! I'm the one who died. Besides Sejun, you're the only one who could see me."

Jeongguk abruptly stops in his tracks. "Jwa! Just stop! Whatever joke you're playing, it's not funny! I know I'm a dick and we hate each other but this is too far!" It was rare to see Jeongguk this angry. Sure they were like ice and fire constantly at each other's throats but it resulted in nothing more than annoyance not pure rage.

"I just walked in front of a car to show I'm telling the truth! And whether you like it or not you're the only one I've got so It looks like you're stuck with me forever." Sena crosses her arms.

"Fuck that." Jeongguk spits.

"Jeongguk, can't you just help me go to the 'other side' or whatever."

He contorts his face. "The other side?"

"Yeah. Don't you watch paranormal shows? Like Ghost Whisperer? The only way I'll be at peace is to take care of any unfinished business. I think finding out how I died would be step one." Sena says as a matter of factly.

"I swear, the one time I skip school." He sighs to himself. "Jwa I'm not a fucking detective or even your friend. I'm a teenager that has school, sex, and parties to worry about. I don't have time to baby sit. But I'll tell you what, since we've known each other forever I'll tell the police for you and maybe they can figure this out."

Sena lifts her hand and balls it into a fist, swinging it at Jeongguk's chest. Shockingly enough it actually hit him instead of uselessly going through him like she expected.

"Ow! Holy shit, I thought ghosts couldn't touch people!" Jeongguk rubs at his pectoral muscle.

"Yeah I thought so too, my hand went right through my mom earlier." Sena saddens at the thought.

"That's not what's important." She says. "Do you really expect the police to believe you when you say my ghost came to you to tell you I died?"

"I'm young. I partied almost every night Jeongguk, there's no way my parents would call the cops for another three days at least. Namjoon probably thinks I need space so he won't be worried. I have no one. Please help me Jeongguk." Sena pleads.

Looking into the eyes of her self proclaimed nemesis, she would've never dreamt of being here now, begging him to help her move on from death.

Rolling his head back, Jeongguk releases a long sigh.

"Come on Jeongguk I'm dead now. You're the only one that can see me. I'll get on my knees if I have to!"

"Woah! I don't think getting head from a ghost would make me help you-"

"I meant get on my knees to beg you pervert!"

Jeongguk let out a short laugh and stared at Sena for a moment. "Okay. I'll help you. As my one good deed in this sin filled life, I'll help you and hopefully get into heaven when I die. I can't say the same for you though."

Sena frowns. "I'm not going to hell."

With that being said Jeongguk only laughs loudly, looking like a psycho to by-passers.

"Come on the quicker we can get this over with the better."


"So what happened last night?"

"I don't know." Sena shrugs, wondering around Jeongguk's room, still amazed how much it shows his personality. From his drawings to his action figures, random musical instruments littered areas of the room yet everything seemed strangely neat.

Jeongguk looks up from his notebook, gripping the pen in his hand.

"Okay." He says from his comfortable position in his bed.

"What's the last thing you remember?"

A low hum leaves her throat.

"Um, if I had to say the very last thing I can remember, it would be you." Sena says awkwardly refusing to meet the boys eyes.

Just as the pen in his hand touched the paper he froze and glanced back up towards her. "Me?"

"Yeah. It's weird I remember getting dressed and arriving at the party but after that I can only see you. You walked in and got a drink and... that's it."

With his eyebrows slightly knitted he slowly began writing something down.

"Oh!" Sena says suddenly remembering something.

Jeongguk curiously moves forward.

"You wore a white shirt! And it if this red stain right here." Sena points to her chest. "It was really bothering me."

Jeongguk gives Sena a flat look as she cluelessly stares back at him. He rolls his eyes and writes down the useless information. "Okay since that was a dead end let's start with your appearance."

Instinctively, Sena looks down at her filthy clothes.

"I'm pretty sure you uh died in the woods right where the party was. It rained a couple days before so the dirt would still be pretty wet and I'm sure the leaf in your hair is from those trees." Sena's hand goes to your hair as he continues to examine her.

Nodding slowly she says, "That makes sense."

"I saw you at the party with Namjoon so as of right now he's our number one suspect." Jeongguk concludes, biting at his bottom lip.

Sena stares. "No. He couldn't do something like that. Sure we fought all the time but he was never really mean to me he always apologized first even when it was my fault."

"Jwa I'm going to be honest with you as always, there could be twenty number one suspects for all we know they could've all banned together to get rid of you. You're not very well liked. I'm pretty sure Namjoon only put up with you for show. Everyone knows you weren't having sex." While those words might've meant nothing to Jungkook they cut so deep into Sena heart she visibly flinched.

"Why do you have to be such an asshole?! I've never been mean to anyone! If anybody should be dead it should be you!" Sena yells, consumed with rage.


"Yes you! You're the most inconsiderate, selfish asshole on the planet! So what if people don't like me! I can't do anything about that. I'm nice I know I am and I don't need you to tell me-"

Sena froze. Unable to form a sentence due to her hyperventilating. Jeongguk jumped up from his spot in his bed and made his way over to where she stood.

"I, can't breathe. I'm a ghost, why can't I breathe?"

Jeongguk put his hands on her shoulders, a foreign look of worry etched across his features.


She's not sure what's happening but the weight of Jeongguk's hands slowly began to dissipate

"Jwa, you're starting to disappear. Where are you going?" Jeongguk stared, wide eyed and waving his hands through her.

Then it all went black.

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