3. Rude

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Jeongguk had gone about the next two days as if nothing had happened because to him nothing did. He was still undergoing the effects of some party favors he had taken the other night.

Walking into his room, he shrugged his back pack off and it landed with a thump near his door. The boy was too entranced with the small device in his hand he hadn't payed much attention to his surroundings.

A minute after furiously texting on his phone, it began to ring. Jeongguks lips quirked up into a smirk as he saw the familiar contact light up the screen.

"Why don't you just come early?" He says as he answers, not even bothering to say hello.

"I don't know. My dads home and I just got here." The girl shyly spoke on the other end.

Jeongguk rolled his eyes in annoyance. "Just tell him your going out to the fucking library or something."

"Hmm. I don't like the library though."

"Seriously?" Jeongguk asks annoyed.

"Yep." She chirped.

A frown makes its way into Jeongguks face and he flops himself on his bed, using one hand to run through his hair as he continued with this frustrating conversation. She seemed more than eager when they were texting. Is she trying to play hard to get or something? Because if she was it was becoming a huge turn off.

"Make up something then."

There was a short moment of silence on the other side of the line. "Uh- I'm not a good liar."

Jeongguk sighed heavily. "Look do you want to fuck or not?"

He almost felt bad for being so straight forward but he was too horny to care at the moment. They weren't friends and the nudes on his phone just proved that she wasn't as oblivious as she was acting.

"Okay, I didn't want to be mean but I heard you were- uh a little short..."

"Where the fuck did you hear that?" He said immediately.

Jungkook's anger only flared when he heard her snicker quietly. "Hylin."

"I never fucked her."


He repeated himself once more. "Jiyoo?"

"I've never fucked her either. Look are you just naming random skanks?"

"Fine." She sighed. "It was Sena."

"What?" He froze. "You've seen her around?" Jeongguk frowned in confusion, wondering why he hadn't seen her around campus, well it's not like he purposefully looked for her or anything...

"Well not recently. But right before she died she told me about your small wiener."

"It's not fucking small and what the hell does she have to compare it to anyway?!" Jeongguk yelled out before he had the chance to fully comprehend her words but when he did he held his breath in surprise.

"Wait. What did you just say?" Jeongguk sat up as if that would help him hear better.

She giggles into the speaker. "Sena told me that you two did the nasty once. Was she lying?"

Jeongguk looked around his dark room for a brief moment. "What do you mean before she died?"

Silence loomed over the other end of the phone before a short sound of shuffling was heard. "Don't tell me you forgot Gguk." The girls voice wasn't as light and airy as before, It was now raspy and slightly deeper. Jeongguk has been very familiarized with this voice.

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