Alfred or Gilbert ?

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Explain why you're always the last one to be picked in anything you do. Being the last to clean up,   being the last to make friends and being last to have a crush on Gilbert Beilschmidt. He was extremely hot and had asked you out on a date.

****Flash back****

"Hey ____" An attractive voice said from behind you. You had just finished packing your bag and walking across the street, you had stopped in your tracks and turned around to see white-ish gray hair, red eyes, and white shining teeth gleaming at you with confidence.

"H-Hey G-Gilbert!" you stuttered, Gilbert had NEVER in history talked to you have without someone with him. He'd usually hang out with his two closest friends Antonio and Francis. Francis would always flirt with you and argue with Arthur , Antonio would smile and occasionally hug you then Gilbert came and they stopped contact with you completely. It kind of sucked but you wouldn't have cried over it. You still had Alfred and Arthur with you. Alfred would jokingly flirt with you Arthur would get red faced at the way Alfred flirted with you. you'd laugh so hard because Alfred would say his face looked like a 'baboon butt'

"I find that You're cute" Gilbert said as he walked around you in a complete circle. You weren't paying attention, too distracted thinking about Alfred talking about baboon butts.

"Uh, Uh thanks!" ...Smooth ______, you felt like a total nerd! Gilbert grinned knowing the effect he had on the girls at your school. He wrapped an arm around you. "S-so as you were saying?" his grin faded. You were obviously ruining his fun. He was toying with you, like a cat toying with a mouse now you were waiting for him to end it..                          

"I vill pick you up at eight liebe this vill be the most amazing night of your life because awesome me is taking you out." he said with that sexy grin on his face, the one that would make you and any other girl go nuts. You nodded your head even though he was telling you and not asking, you didn't care! This was the most amazing day of _____ _________'s life! You walked across the street after Gilbert said goodbye "Bye Liebe. Remember to look almost as awesome as me when I pick you up on Friday!" You laughed at yourself this sexy Prussian was taking you out! 

****End of flashback*****

You've had a crush on him since last year. The year everyone started liking your best friends Alfred and Arthur even though they are complete opposites. Alfred is loud .. and a little dumb... But that's what makes him adorable. Arthur was stubborn and rude but he was a gentleman when he remembered you were there before last year and you saw Gilbert as the attractive male you wanted by your side, he was funny and cute always saying how awesome he was but that's besides the point, you were in love with Arthur before Gilbert transferred to this school. you've seen him around your middle school but never thought in the middle of the eleventh grade he would come back. You tried showing Arthur your love and he thought you were just some annoying kid even though you look exactly the same age, to hell with it! you WERE the exact same age! he's such a party pooper when he tries to act too mature. but you still loved him more than anything. you loved both of them. Just at that moment, you bumped into Alfred who was eating a hamburger (you're not surprise he was walking while he ate).

"Hey dude!" He said mid bite, he had ketchup on his lower lip, you bit your lip and had a sudden urge to lick it then you remembered what happened last time you tried to help him. Instead you put your finger on his lower lip and took it off putting it into your mouth happily sucking on it. You looked up and saw Alfred's face red as ever "_-______!" He turned away shyly which made you laugh. 

"Oh shush! I was just cleaning it up at least I didn't lick it off your face!!" You grinned at him and he returned your grin  by laughing. 

"I remember the last time you did that! ugghhhh! you're so sneaky ______!" He was still blushing but that was probably because it was cold and what had just happened. You didn't really care. You began giggling

"you looked so cute Alfred! So I regret nothing" Alfred made a squealing noise, 

"You- I am?!" He grinned "Wow ______. I never knew you wanted me." You rolled your eyes

"Sorry Alfred but i have a hot date with GILBERT!" you made sure to say his name louder than the rest of your sentence. Alfred flinched.

"Gilbarf?! Seriously? He's so selfish! you should go on a date with someone who deserves you" He said with a serious face. You shrugged. 

"And who is this person who deserves me so much Al?" He blushed then took a deep breath.

"_____, you should go on a date with me instead." It was your turn to blush you never took Alfred for the dating type none the less to want to date you!

"Uh, Alfred... wow um" Alfred WAS attractive, funny, and nice but... he was also your best friend you didn't want to hurt his feelings or ruin your friendship. 

"How about Friday?" He asked, he was completely blushing, it was odd for you to see Alfred blush he was usually so loud, happy, and confident  usually talking about being 'The hero' his weakness was asking you out?

" Sorr-" you looked into his piercing blue eyes and sighed giving a 'I am a slut' look to him "Sure, Friday sounds great." his face perking up by the last word. He hugged you making your bones feel as if they had been broken.

"AWESOME!" He laughed and spun you around, people were staring, but he didn't seem to care. He put you back on your feet. You felt extremely dizzy like you would fall down any minute. He was super strong! holy cow! that's the last time you roll your eyes when Arthur tells you Alfred is strong. But you didn't believe him! 

"ughhh...." you groaned and fell against Alfred "you're so strong...!" you were kind of freaked out by his strength. "Idiot strength" Arthur would call it. Alfred shrug and walked you home talking about anything but the date you would have this Friday. You didn't know if you should choose Alfred or Gilbert because you loved Alfred and you really liked Gilbert...

'god.... what am I  Going to do?'




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