Making New Friends Along the Way

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"Come on Even your staying with me this time." I said as I grab his hand.

"What no," he blurted out as he pulled away from me.

"Why is that," I asked.

"I have a girlfriend and everyone knows that." he whispered.

"Evan I don't care come on let's go," a hissed at him.

I quickly grab his hand keeping a good grip on him. I pull him into our next class which was P.E that wasn't so for as I expect it to be. I look back seeing Evan's face flushed.

"Okay now scram this is the only class I dont have to worry about you." I hiss at him.

"Right," he muttered and ran into the boy's locker room.

"y/n your here," Hiroji shouted as he pounce behind me.

"Hiroji stop that you'll give me a heart attack!" I yelled at him feeling my heart almost jump out.

"I'm sorry y/n I'm just so excited," he squealed.

In the moment I tried to cover my face hoping he wouldn't see it. But he always saw through me like in everything I think I could hide from the world. He moved my hair to the side showing my bruised face. His eyes grew wide open filled with angry.

"Who did this to you," he growled feeling him squeeze my shoulder.

"Some girls were just picking on me." I blurted out moving away from him.

He grabs my hand squeezing it even tighter.

"Don't leave like this y/n," he muttered.

I look down on the floor feeling my heart sink.

"I know I'm suppose to tell you, but I need you to be in a good record right now." I mutter to him.

He slowly loses his grip unable to say anything.

"I'm going to go change," I sighed.

He let's go of my hand looking down at his own feet. I never liked seeing my brother looking down on himself. I can't do this to him. I pat him on the shoulder giving him a light smile.

"It's okay I got a great bodyguard," I teased him.

He smiles back and walks to the boy's locker room.

2 minutes have passed and I have just  got out the locker room ready to start. I look around seeing a bunch of people in small groups. I just spotted Evan hanging with his friend Marcel and two other poeple I don't know yet. They were all goofing around with the basketball hoop. I give a light giggle as I'm seeing them playing around. Marcel turns his head towards me sending me a gaint smile. He begins to wave madly at me as he points me out to his other two friends.

"Come over here," he shouted.

Many of the girls squealed who were behind me. I felt my face burning in the moment almost like begin put on the spot light. I shake my head as quickly as possible. He stops waving as his smile slowly went away. I begin to rub my arm feeling terrible for leaving him like that. But before I knew it he started walking towards. Some of the girls behind being to put on some make-up. I try my hardest to cover my head with my hair.

"y/n come on," he muttered as he grabbed my hand pushing me towards him.

The girls behind me gasp even one cried. My face felt flushed in the moment unknowing what to do. He moved pieces my hair back putting place. His eyes widen as he sees my bruised face.

"Hey y/n what happen to you?" He asked as he stroked my bruised face.

It's been a while since I've seen many people care for my health. But it made me feel worthless that I couldn't do anything back there.

"Just some girls bullied me," I chuckle trying to lighten up the mood.

"But why they do that to such a beautiful lady." he muttered pulling me in closer.

I felt my heart racing as our bodies touched, however, I felt cold eyes starring at me. He grabs my hand taking me towards Evan and their friends.

"Just stay close to me y/n," he whispered into my ear.

I slowly nod my head not knowing what else to do. Marcel gave a big smile putting me closer to him.

"So who's this," one of his friends chuckled.

"A lovely lady that Evan's has been keeping away from me." he teased.

"I'm not keeping her to myself!" he shouted turning bright red.

The boys begin to laugh as Evan started yelling at them. I begin to feel chill creep down my spine. I look behind us seeing Hiroji gripping Marcel's shoulder.

"Hey you what are you doing with y/n?" he hissed giving a sharp glare at him.

"Wait Hiroji it's not what you think." I blurted out as I move Marcel away from him.

"Then what is it that your doing staying so close to another boy." he snapped at me.

"Hey if you want to talk her, you need to go through me." Marcel barked at him standing infront of Hiroji and me.

"Hiroji wait this is a friend of mine!" I blurted out.

"A friend," he asked looking more confused than ever.

"Yes this is my friend, Marcel." I said with ease.

Hiroji's angry eyes then turned soft making him not look like a savage animal.

"Well this a pleasure to meet a knew friend of y/n." Hiroji smirked putting his hand out.

I couldn't believe my eyes seeing Hiroji letting down his guard for a while in such a short time.

"Nice to meet you y/n's friend." Marcel muttered as he grabbed Hiroji's hand.

"Oh no I'm y/n's brother," he corrected him.

"this your brother y/n," Evan blurted out.

"Yes," I awkwardly respond.

"Your the new recruit right?" Evan asked.

My eyes started twinkling in the moment as the moment Evan talked to my brother. 

"Yes I am the new recruit and I'm happy that I'll be working with you." Hiroji answered. 

I can't believe he's making a friend in our first day of school. The P.E teacher hand just blown his whistle grabbing ones attention.

"Okay we'll begin calling names to which of us will be your teacher," one of the P.E teacher shouted.

"Lui, Jason, Maria, Elizabeth, Tyler, Angela, Jonathan, Basically, Alice, Evan, Lora, Sara, Hiroji, and y/n." the teacher called out.

"Well I guess that we're going to be with many of our friends." Marcel chuckled.

We all begin to walk up to the teacher, which he then told us to go outside.

As we were walking I spotted somebody who looked familiar. I got closer to him trying my best to see his face.

"Are you that nursing boy," I asked the him.

He turns his head towards me giving me the biggest smile that melt my heart.

"Is that what your calling me nursing boy." he teased me.

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