Chapter 1

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Ik I named the other chapter something else. But that was kinda what it's gonna be like.


Dans POV

When school finally ended, I waltzed outside to where the poll was where Phil said to meet. On my way over, I was tripped by someone's Converse shoe. I fell on my backpack and the back of my head. "Owe." I whined, rubbing my head. The posse of people hover over me, chuckling softly. "Well, look at the little faggot now." A tall dark brown haired boy said, as the others laughed. I gulped, waiting for the beat up. "I'm. Not. A. Faggot." I said sternly, trying to stand up. "This is a fashion choice. Leave me the..." I stopped, looking to my right, seeing Phil waiting. "I gotta go." I mumbled. "Where ya going?" He asks, grabbing the strap to my overalls. "Augh!" I yelled, feeling like I was being choked. "Stop!" I yelled louder, causing Phil to look up from his phone. He stumbles over to the situation, slightly concerned. "Hey, leave the kid alone, would ya?" He said, grabbing my hand. I felt shocks through my veins. His hand was soft yet delicate. "Why, why are you standing up to him, Phil? Are you in loooove with him?" He cackled. Everyone else started laughing. "I said enough!" He yelled, causing them to shut up. I smiled a bit. He stuck up for me! He dropped my hand and started walking back to the poll. I followed, making small steps not going really fast. "Hey, what did you wanna meet me here for anyway?" I asked.

He sighed, "I noticed you seemed lonely, and that you needed a friend." My heart lit up. I smiles big. "Yes, of course." I mumbled. He smiles back. "Cool, Uh, wanna go to my place? My parents are outta town." He asked, with more of a nervous smile. I nodded, "Sure. But I can't be long." I realized that if I was home late, I would get my ass beat. "Fuck, alright." He said. Why does he want me to come to his house? I barely know him, what if he is trying to lure me into something. "This way, I walk to school." Phil says, breaking my thoughts. I nod, still following.

Once we arrived at his house, I looked up and it and my face was in awe. "Your house is so..s-so nice." I stutter, swallowing. "Thanks, my dads a millionaire." Phil says with confidence. We walk inside and we head straight to his room. Full of posters and blue and red. I shrug and sit on his bed with him. "So, why did you invite me to your house?" I asked, voice cracking. "Because...." he trailed off. I raise an eyebrow, waiting for the rest of his response. "I like you Dan. I liked you since last year, and I know I'm not in your... like.. group? But I have seen you and heard you, and your personality and style is so cute." He says quickly. My eyes widen and jaw drops. "Uh, Phil, you're hot too. When I saw you in class, I almost...fa-ainted." I stutter a bit at the last part. "I know we've barely known each other a day, but I wanna try and hang out more." I mumble, smiling a bit.

"Can I have your number?" Phil asks. "I-I don't have a phone, I just have tumblr." I murmur, trailing off at the end. "Really? So do I. I haven't used it in a while but, I guess I could start to use it again for an even better reason." Phil sighs. I smile, "Heres my name." I pass him my name on a slip of lined paper from my backpack. "Thanks, I'll friend you later." Phil said, swallowing. "Dm me okay?" Phil asks, starting to sweat. I look up at him, my flower crown falling on my face. "Aw, you look cute in that crown." Phil coos. I start to blush, and my face starts heating up.

Once I looked back down at the floor, I heard a door open and people enter the home. "Shit, here, go out the window." Phil said, opening the window. I walked out, waving goodbye. He waved back, closing it and his blinds. I smile and start walking home, to where I will be beaten until I can't walk.


Ik that they confessed sUpEr early but it's cute and I have writers block. So enjoy what you get.


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