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Y/N sighs as she leaves her last class of the day, really not knowing or understanding what her teacher had been rambling on about. It was only the third day of school and Taehyung had been persistent in keeping her on her toes as he's had her hanging out with him almost every second of every day. She knew he had a class right around this time so she hurries to the library, going upstairs to perch on a window seat, taking a book out of her bag to read. She knew that Taehyung would be blowing up her phone, so she turned it off, setting it in her bag so she wouldn't be tempted to touch it.

She starts to read but keeps looking out the window, down at the courtyard below her. She never really thought people could be so small from so high up, the people in the grass were talking among one another and there was a game of frisbee going on by some trees. She watches as people exit buildings around the courtyard, seeing Taehyung in the midst of all the people. She watches as he tries to call someone on his phone, assuming that he's trying to contact her.

She rolls her eyes as she sees him start talking into the receiver, going back to her book to get wrapped up in the contents, like there wasn't anything else to be doing. She didn't really pay attention to the time and she sighs as she closes the book, looking outside to see that the sun was starting to set. She yawns and stretches her limbs, shaking her head as she wonders what will happen if she turns her phone back on.

"Y/N?" A voice asks.

She looks up and her face flushes a bit, seeing Jimin walking toward her. Though she wanted to be in his company, she didn't want to be anywhere near him and his playboy, or fuckboy, tendencies. She stays where she is and looks back down at the courtyard, seeing the rest of Taehyung's friend group running around the square.

"Just how long have you been here?" He asks.

"A-A while." She mutters.

"And you couldn't text Taehyung? He's worried sick about you, Y/N." Jimin says softly, leaning against the wall as he watches her look out the window.

"I-I wan-wanted to be a-alone." She says,

"Why? Don't you like hanging out with your brother?" Jimin asks, slightly confused.

She doesn't say anything as she suddenly begins to have flashbacks of him when he did live with them for a while. She feels a panic attack rise in her throat and she starts to breathe heavily, trying to get a grip on herself before she could throw herself into hysteria.

"Y/N?" Jimin asks, trying to move closer to her.

"Stay away." She says, feeling her breathing return to normal.

He stops in his tracks, suddenly aware that something was seriously wrong with her. He looks at her shaking body, furrowing his eyebrows as she takes out what looks to be a brownie. She takes a small portion of it into her mouth before putting the rest of it back in her bag.

"Come with me, we'll go with Taehyung together." Jimin reaches out to her.

She looks at it as if he was going to hit her, seeing fear shoot through her irises before accepting it to get up from the window seat. They walk down the stairs together and into the courtyard where the boys were frantically running around.

"I found her!" Jimin calls out.

As soon as he calls out, the boys flock around her, inspecting her to see if she was okay. Y/N tries her best to get away from them so she could breath and she got her wish as she sees Taehyung come up to her.

"Where were you?" He asks, his voice shaking slightly.

"Library." She says quietly.

Taehyung widens his eyes as he smells her breath.

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