Chapter 6

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    Inside of her head, Leah was mentally cursing Gabriel for making her jump into the situation while it was so tense. Last night, she presumed, was when the ghost that the Trickster had created killed the professor. So, the two hunters who she had abandoned a year ago had come along to pick up the case.

    The three began talking and were lead away by the so-called janitor. The girl quietly followed behind, hiding behind walls and trash cans.

    Eventually, Sam and Dean left, much to the relief of Leah. "Gabe," she said when she caught up to him. "What was that for?"

    "I was just curious if you were scared of the Winchesters or not," he answered, smirking. "And as we can see, you are. What happened? Because I'm pretty sure that you haven't been here long so what could you have possibly done to make them mad?"

    She sighed deeply. "When I got here, they were the first people I met. I guess when I traveled through the universes, it was when I was asleep. So, they tied me to a chair because they didn't think I was human. When I convinced them that I wasn't, they took me with them on a hunt in Lawrence, Kansas. I was left alone in the car, and when they left, I took off. I just don't know how mad they're gonna be."

    "Wait a second," he held his hand up. "They went to Lawrence about a year ago. You make it sound like it's been a few days."

    "It has been," she explained. "When God teleported me here, not only was it to this college, it was in the future."

    "That is if God teleported you," Gabriel said, a sour expression on his face. "I don't doubt that you're from an alternate universe, I can tell that you're not from here. But this dude you're messing with, dangerous stuff."

    "Who else has all that mojo to send me here and also knows who you are?"

    "There are some powerful forces. Like the power of Heaven."

    "So, you think I went to an angel, and they sent me here? To you? How would they know that?"

    "Why are you so certain that it's Him?"

    "I can't explain, I just so know."

    "Well, why would He help out you? Whether you believe it or not, I still miss Him. Maybe it's hardwired into us or something, but why won't he talk to us?"

    "I'm sorry, Gabe," she put her hand on his shoulder. "I don't know, but He's doing it for a reason. Probably a dumb one, but without the intention to hurt you."

    "Yeah," he nodded, sending them back to his apartment. "You're probably right."

    "So, it'll be a couple days before Sam and Dean figure out it's you," she said, plopping down on the couch. "What should we do until then?"

    He eyed her warily. "Not sure, there's a lot of things. For one, how do you know they're gonna find me in a couple of days?"

    "You would not like that answer."


    As the days went on, Leah found herself watching the t.v. a lot at Gabriel's apartment. He would go out, mess with the Winchesters, answer questions and monitor their progress.

    Sometimes, the girl would find herself sneaking out and enjoying herself in the new world. Life in this universe was great with a certain Archangel. She was given new clothes, good food, wasn't stuck in a car most of the time, and was able to shower.

    Then, the day came where she knew it was all over. Her temporary guardian popped out of thin air while Leah was watching Dr. Sexy M.D. "Hey, there," he greeted, throwing a chocolate bar in his mouth.

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