Chapter 6

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Why the fuck are my blinds open?

I flopped onto my other side only to be even more blinded by the sun.

Wait for a second, I only have one window and there were windows on either side of me.

My eyes shot open and I jumped up. My eyes scanned the room and it definitely wasn't mine.

The walls were black, the sheets were black, the cover was black, the pillows were black, but there was an extra cover covering me that was white. There was a window that led out into the woods. The chandelier was gold and so was the bedside table.

(The room obviously but the junk by the window doesn't exist the chair does though also pretend that the bed is what was described

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(The room obviously but the junk by the window doesn't exist the chair does though also pretend that the bed is what was described.)

I freaked out a little so I screamed for Nicole.

"NICCCC!" Ok. Why did I do that? It's not like the killer is gonna be like, "Hey Nic isn't here but I'm in the kitchen. Want anything?"

I heard footsteps coming so I looked around the room and found a chair in the corner. I ran towards it and grabbed it. Quickly I shoved it in front of the door with the top part of the chair preventing the doorknob from being opened.

When the person tried opening the door it didn't budge but they kept trying. I looked over at the window but immediately crossed that off as a way to escape. This room had to have been on at least the third floor.

I looked around but I could only see three more doors. I looked through the first set of doors but it was a walk-in closet.

Damn. This is a nice walk-in closet.

A gray vanity for I doesn't know who some nice patterned wood floors, glass-cased suits and casual clothes for men and I bet there was more to explore if you turned the corner

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A gray vanity for I doesn't know who some nice patterned wood floors, glass-cased suits and casual clothes for men and I bet there was more to explore if you turned the corner.

I shut those doors and went to the next set. When I opened that I was met with a luxurious bathroom.


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Damn. This bathroom has white tile flooring, a white oval shaped tub, a glass-cased shower, a glass-cased toilet, a flat screen tv on the wall, two sinks on either side of the room, and a circular table in the middle of the room in the middle of the rug.

Obviously not a way out so I closed the doors. One more set of doors to go.

Opening them up I sighed that it led to another room. It was an office but as I looked around I recognized the office...

I gasped as all the events last night came rushing back. This is...

But someone came plowing through the door.

"Luke," I whispered.

Luke ran up to me and picked me up then started to hug me. He stuffed his head into my neck and started to breathe in. Whenever Luke did this it made me oddly comfortable. I liked it.

Nic and Zane came in but stopped when they realized what was happening.

Suddenly there was a growling noise coming from my stomach. Luke's head popped up and his icy blue eyes turned to crimson red. For a second I freaked out but realized it's normal for him.

"We can't have you starving. Let's go get some food. What do you want?" We? What food do I want? OHHH! I'm craving french toast.

But I'm craving my mama's french toast. Wait she taught me how to cook it when I was 13! Yes.

"I wanna cook my mama's signature french toast." I looked him straight in his blood red eyes.

"Yes!" Nicole yelled.

"What's so good about your mom's french toast?" Nic and I gasped. Oh, Zane. You poor boy.

"You better be glad that my mom didn't hear."

"What? It's not like she'll do anything." He scoffed. I rolled up the sleeve of the sweatshirt I'm wearing. Wait, hold up. Sleeve? Sweatshirt? Eh.

"This scar," I pointed to a scar a rabbit with rabies gave me, "is from my mom when I said no to getting the pala (dustpan)." Nicole just nodded knowing exactly where I got the scar from.

Zane had a look of horror on his face and Luke just looked amused by his brother.

"Alright! Where's the kitchen?"

Luke led us to the kitchen and let me tell you this kitchen was jaw-dropping. Who has a professional kitchen in their home? Like who? Luke obviously but who else?

  Who has a professional kitchen in their home? Like who? Luke obviously but who else?

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Before I get to work I put on my kitchen playlist from my phone. I asked Nicole to help me with cooking. While looking for a song to put on Nicole suggested Dame Tu Cosita. No way in hell would I put that on. If it's a dirty song give the title a chance to not be dirty. I instead went with Scooby Doo PaPa. At least the title wasn't dirty.

I got to cooking. Somewhere during our cooking convo, we started talking about the many dudes that hit on us before.

"Remember when that guy with the jacket was like 'I wanna take you home and sex you up' and you were like 'and I wanna hose you down'." I laughed at her amazing impression the douchebag while she laughed at me being me. My turn.

"Remember when you saw that really cute guy but he was a jackass you were like 'what's up'and he was like 'if I told you, would you sit on it?'" Good times.

"Yeah, I remember because after you were like 'AHH GIRL HE PLAYED YOU!"

We laughed so hard and when we sobered up I remembered I needed to ask what was up with Luke when I got here.

"Why was Luke so mad when we got here?"

"Oh. When I was going inside to the restroom I passed him but he asked why you were all dressed up and I told him you went on a date. He went all mad bull and stomped toward you." I gasped and hit her arm lightly since she was putting the french toast on the plates.

"Also why are you wearing his hoodie?" I looked down and I was for sure wearing his hoodie.

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