Chapter 20

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Blindly Nicole and I shoot our bb guns randomly into the general direction of the guy who grabbed me.

"OW! Shit!" We got em. I stick my hand out in the general direction of Nicole and she fist bumps back.

Nicole and I grab hands and runoff.

Running we stop out of breath. Panting we run into a room. My gosh we are so out of shape!

Turning around I recognize the room as Luke's.

"Nic I know how to get out of here. Follow me."

I walk into Luke's closet and I find some shirts then realize I don't want Nic wearing Luke's shirts. Dammit, Bella, you're about to die so suck it up!

I threw Nicole a shirt that still had a tag and I grabbed one that smelt like him. We have shorts on underneath our dresses because that's how I was raised and I just convinced Nic.

"Here change into this. We're gonna beat some ass and still return the dresses." I said as I slipped my dress off and hung it on the percha (hanger) it was on.

"Alright, and do I take off the tag?" She asked as she slipped off her dress and hung it.

"No bish?! I ain't tryna owe anyone!" I whispered screamed.

"Ok! oK!" Nic whispered screamed back as she quickly put the shirt on.

We picked up our bb guns and reloaded. We looked at each other, nodded, and walked out of the closet.

I led the way into his bathroom to get some glass in case we had to shank someone. Grabbing two champagne glasses I poured some into our cups and we drank. Fuck underage drinking. I'm stressed.

Then again this is a problem that creates alcoholics. So Ima stop. We finished the little bit left in our cups then carried it with us.

We walked into Luke's office and looked around making sure we were alone.

I slowly walked to the door that leads out onto the hallway.

I put my ear against it when I heard the slightest movement. I freaked.

I motioned for Nic to come listen because I needed her to confirm.

As she maneuvered her way across the room and past the table with a glass vase.

Her fat ass barely touched it and it started to tip.

It all happened in slow motion.

My eyes widened and I watch the vase fall over slowly.

Nic sees my eyes and turns around trying to catch the vase but fails.

The vase crashing to the floor definitely got someone's attention.

I quickly run towards Nic and stand next to her with our weapons ready to fight. Knowing we couldn't run to the door leading to Luke's room because we wouldn't make it on time and turning your back is the worst thing to do right now.

The door slammed open and there stood a man with glowing yellow eyes and bared canines.

He stared straight at me with a determined look. I didn't know what else to do but scream and break part of my champagne glass. Ready to shank.


Lukas' P.O.V

Bella wasn't here. Neither was Nicole. The room was fucking empty.

My Bella was gone.

"LUKE!" The scream of Bella in fear ignited fear in me. I felt my wolf take over.

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