First Birthday

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Dear Tessa,

Today is your first birthday! I can't believe you are already a year old! It seems like yesterday when I wrote your first letter! I'm stashing these in my desk and you have no clue haha!

Look up Birthday by Katy Perry, except for the sexual part that is how I feel!

Baby, you are almost saying real words, but not actually talking, so that is probably going to be the next letter! I'm just reminising this past year.

I didn't feel these things were important enough to write letters about so here they are now:

-you learned to kick 

-you danced

-you jumped

-one time you made a weird face and giggled about it for about and hour, it was really funny

-you started eating real food (mashed potatoes, Jell-O, pudding, and yogurt)

-you learned to punch (not too great but still)

Baby you are a year old and I love you very much and so does Daddy, I promise we will always love you!



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