Plagg, Cheese and Secrets

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Claire: Lauren! You are not helping!!!

Lauren: Not my problem.

Samara: You know what I think I'll erase those from your memories.

Adrien: Umm, what now?

Samara: I'm gonna erase your memories.

Alya: Woah, woah, woah, woah, woah. Hold up. Erase our memories?!?! You could give us amnesia or something!

Samara: What I meant is that I would remove the memory of remembering it was bad. You would still know it existed but it means nothing to you.

Nino: Okay kid, sounds much safer when ya' put it that way.

Samara: *giggles* Ookay! *claps hands twice*

*everyone par Samara, Lauren and Claire forgets AOT and BNP*

Alya: Phew, no more bloodiness in my head.

Adrien: Alya, bloodiness is not a word.

Alya: Pssshhh, well it is now!

Samara: Anyways who's next?

Claire: Can I-

Alya, Nino, Adrien, Marinette:

Claire: Fine. -_- I'll just go read Wattpad.

Lauren: Oh no you don't! You made me and Samara help them recover! And we had to watch too!

Claire: Fine. Who's next then?

Nino: Why don't we go back to the normal world first?

Claire: It's not the "normal" world. Its your world. There's a biiiigggg difference just so you know.

Nino: I know. Okay? I know!

Adrien: Now that I think about it. Where did the screaming come from?

*Adrien and Nino stares at Samara*

Samara's thoughts: Oh shoot. Not now.

Samara: Uhhhh, definitely, absotutely, uhhh, I mean absolutely not meeeeeeee?

Alya: Yeah! Hehe, I don't think she did it. Right girls? *nudges Marinette*

Marinette: Uuhh.... Yeah! Um, Samara didn't do it! Umm, someone else did? *glances at Lauren "help!" *

*Lauren and Claire facepalm

Samara: ANYWAAAYYSSS! What I think they are TRYING to say is that we don't know and lets just go back OKAY!?!?!
AND YOU! ADRIEN! LET'S HAVE A CHAT SHALL WE? Actually, lets just go. *claps hands*

*everyone except Samara and Adrien appear in the room*

No one's P.O.V.

Samara's voice: Never fear everyone! Adrien is still alive! We shall be unavailable for a few minutes! I am awesome! Yay! Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

*everyone in the room

Adrien's P.O.V.

Why did this girl bring me here? What in the world is she planning?

Samara: Oh I don't know. What am I planning?

Adrien: You read my thoughts?

Samara: Haha! I didn't need to! You said that out loud you know!

Adrien: Umm, about that-

Samara: I don't care. Okay? I know you think I'm awesome!

Adrien: That's not what I-

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