Chapter Four- Strength In Numbers

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  "Oh! Renesmee, hello..." Serena spoke on the other line, there was something in her tone that made Renesmee automatically frown. There was a hint of nervousness, as well as fear. But why would she be afraid? Was The Volturi coming out of the dark again?

  She had hoped not. Six months ago, it shocked her that The Volturi let them come home, she was thankful but yet shocked. She would have fought for them regardless to get them home, there would have been nothing that would make her abandon them to staying there. Although never being there herself, her Father had told her many things of The Volturi Castle. Of course, he left many bits of information out of his 'stories', but they still caused shivers up and down her spine. 

  "Serena, what's wrong?..." Renesmee asked hesitantly, softly rubbing her finger against the soft hand of her baby. 

  "I need to speak with you..."



  Chapter Four- Strength In Numbers


  The arrival of Serena to Renesmee's home was a stressful event. Serena had no idea how Renesmee would take the news of her Father being nearby to them. Not that she feared Renesmee, but the reaction the fellow hybrid could have could be striking. With a hesitate breath, Serena knocked on the door to the hybrid's home. She heard the footsteps that closed distance from the stairs to the door and held her breath as it opened. 

  The look of concern was against Renesmee's face as she looked at Serena. "What happened?" 

  Throughout many years of the friendship they had aquired, Serena had been honest to Renesmee about her Father on all accounts except one. How he tested on Cera. It was very difficult for her to admit let alone explain the events that took place to Alistair, but to tell Renesmee? The thought made her feel ill. She felt weak in herself that she could not protect her daughter, admitting this to another Mother (of a full total of three, no less) was difficult.

  Renesmee could see the thoughtful expression on Serena's face and quickly pulled her through the front door, allowing it to close behind them as she lead her to the living room area of the large rustic style home. The cabin styled house stood with two stories next to the forest with four large bedrooms of two which had large walk in closets and adjoined vanity rooms. The kitchen was a reasonable size, as well as the dining and living room which held many influences of wolves and packs. 

  Off in one section of the house stood a grand piano, a gift from Renesmee's parents to her for one of her birthdays, as she learned to play the beautiful instrument from her Father as she was still growing. Serena noticed many books laying around the coffee and side end tables in the current room, no doubt work caused by Alianna Black, the eldest daughter in the house of the couple. 

  Serena could hear no other movement in the house aside from the baby Madison's kicking of her feet and random sounds that would possibly seem like words to the child. Of course to the adults, it was more of nonunderstandable babbling. As soon as the both adult hybrids took their seats on the couch, Serena turned to face Renesmee.

  "I thought this was better to say in person than over the phone. In all honesty, I never believed I would have to say these words... but my Father is nearby. He is not in Forks, but he could be a threat to all of us." Serena did not notice how she pulled and twirled the end of her shirt until she looked down, quickly stopping the action and straightening out the wrinkles to have some tiny distraction that Renesmee was now excessively quiet. 

  When Serena gained the courage, she looked to her friend. Renesmee though, only stared at her with a surprised expression. She had heard of the things that he had done after he was turned into a vampire, how he used human women to create his hybrid children and leave them to die when the child was to be 'born'. She did not want him anywhere near her children, or herself. But the idea that he could be so close to them? It caused her skin to crawl as a nauseous feeling took over in her throat. Her hands slightly closed into tight fists as she fought with herself. 

  She fought to not yell, she fought to remain calm. First, The Volturi step out of the shadows and now this man? What could possibly be next?

  Even though she fought not to flinch from that thought, she looked quickly to Serena. "What has he done that I am not aware of to make him so dangerous, Serena?" 

  Unlike Renesmee, Serena could not contain the flinch. There it was, the question she was most dreading. But it could no longer be ignored, it could no longer be used as a secret in order to protect Cera from the truth because it was now pointless. Cera now knew of it, attempting to keep it a secret now was foolish. 

  "He is the reason why I know venom is a harm to Cera, why it harms the side of her that contains wolf. He tested on her when he first visited us after she was born, when I was still blind to how he truly was. It awakened me to realize the dangers that he held, how far he would go for knowledge even against his own family. He had no clue... Renesmee, if it could have killed her or not, but to find out.. he tested it anyway. And... I failed her then as a Mother... but I cannot fail her now." 

  Renesmee sucked a deep breath into her lungs as she listened. He would test on a child? What kind of Monster would... Renesmee decided not to finish that thought. She knew what kind of monster he was, there was no point in asking herself something so ridiculously obvious. "I... I don't know what to say, Serena. This is so much... would he really come here?" And yet again, she asked another ridiculous question.

  "He possibly might to see progresses we have made.. if he finds other hybrids here it may cause a large curiousity in him, which is why I had a thought..." The thought however, was what made her nervous. At least nervous to speak of it outloud. 

  Renesmee on the other hand, was losing her patience. It was too much information to accept all at once let alone to have so many breaks in between her words, she needed to know everything so when she spoke to Jacob, or at least showed him of this conversation, it would not leave anything out. 

  "Serena, please..."

  Serena slowly took a breath, closing her hands together in tight fists. "Instead of allowing him to come here, I was thinking I should go to Seattle instead. To cut him off before he thinks of coming here, I know him, he would appreciate my coming to see him after so long."

  "Serena! That cannot be the only way, I do not want him here but I do not agree that you should-"

  "It isn't something that I need anyone to agree, or give me blessing on, Renesmee. He is my Father, I know him and what he could do if he came here and found that there was basically an entire 'nest' full of hybrids for the picking. He wouldn't stop until he was satisfied that he had learned all he could. If I can keep him from coming here, it would be the best thing for us all." The words may have seemed rushed, but it was the only way she could think of telling Renesmee the whole truth.

  Her Father was an ambitious, lust filled for power kind of man who at the same time, lusted for knowledge about anything that caught his curiosity. It was a dangerous combination, especially when he learned he could mix his scientific studies with the occult. 

  The silence in the room stretched on, but neither knew of anything else to say. Renesmee could tell that anything she said would not change the thought of this from Serena's mind and Serena knew nothing she said would change the mind of Renesmee. They would have to agree to disagree at this moment, but at least Renesmee could tell Jacob of the possible danger as well as her family.

  If there was anything Renesmee knew all too well, was that there was strength in numbers.

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