Chapter 10.

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Jungkook's P.O.V
"V, come here!" I called as I went out the door to our dorm.
"Where are we going?" He asked me.
"You'll see." I said.
He followed me to a shed near the woods in the back of the school campus. The "popular squad" meets there every Friday night to just hang out and talk and just have fun. I was taking V to one of our meeting so he could become friends with everyone there and we we could all hang out at once. I really liked V, so maybe my friends will like him. We were greeted by the two "bodyguards" of the popular squad, Sonja and Soo-Nyun. We don't call ourselves the "popular squad", we call it the "Longtime Fam."

V quickly grabbed my arm and held it tight.
"It's them..." He said while looking at Sonja and Soo-Nyun.
"Huh?" I asked.
"They are the ones that pushed me off the bridge!" He said. I hugged him.
"It's going to be alright Tae... They won't hurt you with me around, let's get Jimin and Ara and we'll fight them!" I said.

Sonja and Soo-Nyun were 2 people that I've always found suspicious looking. They smoked on campus in front of the little pre-schoolers, which was not allowed by school policy, and they talked about some of us behind our backs on more than one occasion. We kept them in because they were tough and could guard us, but now I'm just pissed off at them and I want them gone.

I felt V being forcefully detached from my arm.
"Ow!!" He exclaimed.
Soo-Nyun was gripping his arm really tight. That green haired freak. I wanted to punch him.

"What do you want me to do with this noob?" He asked me with a smirk.
"Let him go you asshole!" I snapped.
Sonja held my arms behind my back so I couldn't fight him. He punched V in the stomach. V was on the ground.

"HEY WHAT THE HELL?" Someone yelled from behind. Jimin. Jimin jumped and pushed Sonja so I could escape. I quickly ran to V and helped him up.

"Jungkook. Why do they not like me?" He looked into my eyes.
"Because they're idiots. They don't even know you and yet they still are jerks to you.  If they knew you, they'd probably love you, but no, they judge you without knowing anything about you. Tae you are amazing and if they try to mess with you again, they are going to get it bad." I said. He cried.
"Thank you Kookie." He said. He looked up.

"Jimin!" He yelled. I turned to the direction of where Jimin was. Jimin was on the ground, being beat up by the purple haired and green haired freaks.

"Okay, you tackle purple and I'll tackle green and then hold them long enough for Jimin to escape." I said to V. I counted to three. On three we ran for them. I took Soo-Nyun down and held him, face down in the dirt. I could barely hold him for long, he was a huge guy who was really strong. I looked over to V. He was on top of Sonja, who was still standing, trying to get him off her back. It was hilarious to see V climbing on her like a little monkey. Jimin quickly got up from the muddy ground and the three of us ran straight to V and I's dorm.

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