Shadowhunters Institute - Gorgeous New Friends

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Kat's POV

I wake up in a strange place looking around to see a dark headed girl sitting where Clary is sleeping, all the sudden Clary gasps and shoots up hitting the brunettes forehead with her own. I laugh out loud making Clary give me the dirtiest look. "Sorry Clary, that was freaking hilarious!" She looks at the brunette "wait, I don't know who you-" "I'm Isabelle" she states cutting Clary off. "I've never seen Jace so curious about a mundane. Or distracted" She smiles looking at Clary "I don't know who you are talking about, who is Jace?" I glance at Isabelle, "is he the gorgeous blond?" "Yes" She turns around, "Hi." Then Clary starts freaking out, I get up and walk over to sit with her, "Some psychos took our mother, now you have taken us." Isabelle chuckles "and by 'taken' you mean 'saved your lives'?" A deep groggy voice booms in "mundanes shouldn't even be here." Clary questions "where is 'here' exactly?" Both the boys ignore her "they're not mundanes Alec, at least Katerina isn't." "How do you know that Jace?" Jace shoots him a look "because the seraph blade lit up with Katerina touched it. Look, Isabelle, can you..?" Jace sighs "I'm Jace Wayland." "I'm uh-" "Clary Fray, and Katerina Fray. We know who you are."
The raven hair boy speaks up once again "am I the only one who finds this unusual?" I shoot him an annoyed look, staring a little longer than i should have at him, he's gorgeous. "You find everything unusual Alec." Clary just stares at Jace. " I have to report this to the clave." Alec states. "You know what Alec? Dial it down a notch." Jace grumbled. "My brother doesn't have a dial. I love you Alec, but you have a switch that is always on." Isabelle giggles "I love you too, but this-" he gets cut off by Jace "hey, you know what? Give me a minute." Isabelle grabs Alec "walk with me big brother." And drags him away from Jace, Clary and I. Jace moves my hair and looks at my neck "your wound has healed." I look at him wide-eyed "what do you mean? I'm healed? How is that possible?" Clary pipes in " so what? She miraculously healed and all of you stunning people have magical powers?" He laughs "No, don't confuse me with a warlock." Her mouth agape "a what?" I look at her, "a warlock, a downworlder? Warlocks, vampires, seelies?" She's about to cry, I lay my head on her shoulder "literally my brain is about to explode." "Okay" he says softly "I'll keep it simple, all the legends are true. We are Shadowhunters, we protect he human world from the demon world. So those 'people' you saw murdered at the Pandemonium were shapeshifting demons." Clary got defensive "we are not interested in being part of your supernatural fight club. I just wanna find our mom. Please help us find her." He looks at us and speaks so softly "I'm the best chance you got." I glance at him "we don't even know you." An intense stare is happening between Jace and I, only to be broken by clary's phone ringing "Simon!" She pants happily. She says a few things and then darts to the window, "I see you." Jace and I jump up walking over to the window. "What happened to our clothes?" I saw looking at Jace. "Demon Venom. Remember?" " I thought only I got bit, not Clary?" "She did too, right before I killed the demon." I nodded at him understandingly. "Isabelle left you both some clothes over there." He said pointing to a chair, revealing black leather clothes. I walk over to them, pick up an outfits. "How gorgeous is that!" I squeal, "damn Clary! She has my dream wardrobe!" Clary rolls her eyes while Jace laughs "Isabelle is very comfortable with her body" Clary sighs and we go to change. Clary walks up to the mirror and sighs "how did that get there?" Looking at the tattoo on her neck. Jace chuckles "I drew that" he proudly states. "Do not tattoo my neck" she snaps "duly noted, next time I'll let you die. And that is not a tattoo, it's a rune, but you already know all about runes don't you?" He says cockily while picking up Clary's sketchbook pointing at the runes. "Well maybe you don't, that's what makes you so interesting Clary Fray." They hold an intense stare and I fake cough. They both look at me and I just shrug.


We are making our way down to see Simon "I saw something behind your friend." Jace states as he activates his seraph blade. "You're not gonna kill Simon, are you?" Clary asks annoyed. "Protect the humans, kill the demons. You'll get it eventually." "Are you always this damn cocky?" I ask, he smirks at me "definitely not." We walk out and see a very shocked Simon "what do you have on Clary?" He asks while he gives her his jacket, "umm, yeah, hi Simon." He looks at me "honestly, it doesn't surprise me that you are dressed like that. But seriously guys, let me take you home." I sigh softly "I don't think we have one anymore Si." "Why? Wha-what do you mean?" "Well-" clary starts to explain but is cut off "Clary and Katerina Fairchild" we turn around quickly to see an angry man. Jace quickly attacks the man, Clary and I are gasping, confusing Simon. "Jace!" I squeal "is he dead?" Clary says pointing to the ground. "Is who dead?" Simon keeps asking. "Hey asshole, can you like deglamourize or something so our best friend doesn't think we are losing our minds?" I ask. He activated his rune and appears to Simon. "Um... what is happening?" Jace starts walking towards the institution "everyone back inside." Simon just stands there "who is this? Your meth dealer?" I zone out staring at the dead guy on the ground only hearing "Clary, I need to keep you and Kat safe. I promise you, I promise I am going to help you and Kat find your mother. But both of you are Shadowhunters. You're one of us." Simon then speaks up "Clary... you don't know this guy, all right? Come with me, I can get us help." They kind of fight for her to make her decision. I walk up and back into the institute, hoping they'll follow soon enough. The door opens and the three of them walk in. "Took you long enough." I say startling Simon. Jace draws a rune on his arm and we get back into the institute "Where are we? What the hell? Is there a war going on that I don't know about?" Simon is going nuts asking a bunch of questions. Jace answers "there is now." "And I think Kat and I's Mom is the center of it."

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