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Jake:Guys we have to leave for a meeting right now.
Jake: The manager of Team 10 needs to talk to us about Team 10s future.
Erika:Oh ok
Tessa:I dont have a babysitter
Ivan:Ill watch her.
Tessa:You sure
Ivan:Yeah..After all I hate meetings And I dont have to go right Jake
They all laugh
Jake:Yeah...Ok then Team 10 minus Ivan lets go
They all leave
With Ivan and June
Ivan:Hey June you wanna play tea party
They play..After playing
June:Im hungry
Ivan:What do you want to eat
June:Peanut Butter Jelly Sandwich
He makes it for June.And She begins to eat it.On her first bite she drops the sandwich and begins to gasp.She cant breath and she starts wheeze and also gets lumps all over her body
Ivan calls an ambulance.They come and take her along with Ivan.
At the hospital.
Ivan decides to call Tessa.
On the phone
Tessa:Ivan Whats wrong
Ivan:(crying)Im in the hospital.J
Tessa:Why??(starts to panic)
Ivan:Something happened to June she couldnt breath.
Off of the phone
Tessa drops the phone and falls to the floor crying
Erika:Whats wrong T(runs to her)
Tessa:(crying)We have to get to the hospital
They rush to the hospital.
At the hospital
Tessa enters running.
Tessa:How is she Ivan(crying and panicking)
Ivan:(with tears in his eyes)No news
Tessa sits down and cries even more as Erika comforts her.
Jake:What happened to her Ivan
Ivan:All of a sudden she started to gasp for air and wheeze and she started to get lumps all over her body
Jake:(sits down and puts his hands on his head.
1 hour later
The doctor comes out
Doc:For Juniper
Tessa:(crying out of breath)How is she Doctor
Doc:She is ok
Tessa:(sighs of relief)Oh thank god
Jake:But what caused all of this Doc
Doc:Well she had an allergic reaction to peanuts.
Tessa:What..But she isnt allergic to peanuts
Doc:Oh...Well she must of have had a delayed Allergic reaction to them..Well from now on..No more peanuts for Juniper
Tessa:Ok....When can I see her
They all head onto Junes room.And
Tessa sitting on June's bed
Tessa:Hey June bug
June:Mama..why am I here
Tessa:You had an allergic reation to peanuts..But thanks to Uncle Ivan...You are ok now
June:Whats an allergic reation
Tessa:Its your body's way of telling you it doesn't like that food.
June:So I can never eat peanuts again(makes a sad face)
Tessa:Im sorry love
June:Its ok mama.......

Team 10(Mostly Tessas Love Life)Where stories live. Discover now