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1 week later
Erika comes over to Tessas house because Tessa needs to talk to her.
Erika arrives and heads to Tessas room.
Erika:Hi T
Erika:Why did you need to talk to me
Tessa:I need your advice
Tessa:Should I go back to school???
Erika:Yes..Why do you ask
Tessa:Im just not sure.
Tessa:Cause having a baby just made me want to work
Erika:Work were
Erika:At a Taco Bell.Thats were you want to end up
Tessa:I dont know
Erika:Just go to school it is tge best for you and for June.
Erika:Just recover right now and keep on doing homeschool.The school year will be over in 1 month.Just start fresh Junior Year.
Tessa:Yeah You're right
They hug

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