chapter five

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I towered over a pale child, quivering in fear. He was but seven, yet his strength in his element made him irresistable. A hunter, is what I am, one whose soul purpose is to destroy the race of elemental users. Those who used elemental magic are refered to as Dream catchers. My kind is know to Mortals and Dream catchers alike as the spawn of Darkness herself. Darkness- the unseen power source of dark magic, magic that will do everything it can to over take spirit users, such as the boy wallowing in agony at my feet. Hunters don't eat, sleep, find love, or any kind of human activity. We are immortal, and draw energy from those we kill; feeding off the element that is being extracted from them.

Cackling and smiling, showing my snow white teeth, I watched the young lad struggle against the invisible weight caused by my magic. Fear and anger rolled off his body like steam, his aura growing blacker with every passing second that he is in my clutches. His family and friends, in-fact the entire village he came from was there, watching the life bleed out of him... they watched as I ate his soul and consumed all the energy given off by his power. Pounding ferociously against the darkness that I surrounded myself with, they shouted and threatened me.

" You and thy unclean beasts shall burn forever at our feet, begging for mercy as the lad does. Yet, non shall be shown to thee, for you are the cursed spawn of darkness; Prowling the earth for our kind to feast on.", said a petite lady dressed in a corseted evening gown of blue velvet.

" With the power bestowd in me by spirit, I command thee, depart from us you wicked, vile demon! Begone, suffer in pain as your life fades away, but never leaves thy body.", shouted the Elder of the small village I had stumbled upon.

" Release him! Please, I don't care what it costs me, just release my son, I'm begging you! Take my life, my soul instead of hi... ", the young woman choked off on the last part, as blood flowed from her mouth and eyes.

" Fools, all of you! He is mine now, you're too late to save him, for he has served his purpose and has made me stronger. As for his pathetic mother, she has given up her own life, for her sons; but instead she only brought her untimely death."

I turned to my right, where my loyal servant stood at attention. His body made of pure muscle and magic ran through his veins. Fair hair swept his broad forehead, covering his golden eyes. He was awaiting my orders, for he was willing to lay his life down for the Princess of the Hunters.

" The boy is dead, I want you and your men to clean this up, pronto! Do not mess up this time, for I shall not tolerate failure once more, Pharon. Report to me imediatly when the job is done... and remember, I can see everything that you do. There will be no escaping me if you do fail me."

He bowed and addressed me, " It shall be done, Princess Lelana. I will please you this time, I have defused the source of my problems. Please, your Highness , don't freat over this; for it shall be done as you have commanded."

Pharon waited till the princess departed to begin his mission. He commanded his soldiers to dispose of the boy... and to enjoy their meal, before perching himself in the tree that sat in the midst of the dark force feild... which just so happened to be outside of the small village in a field. He watched pleasantly as his men took on their true forms, beast of the dark realm, notorious for their crystal teeth and talons. Pieces of the small lad flew through the air as they fought over who ate what part of him. Blood stained the lush, green grass, tainted golden by the moonlight. Flashes of light caught the crystal talons and teeth, producing gleaming rainbows that covered the whole field, turning it to a fantasy land of magic and good; friendly people. Snickering, Pharon sat still and silent, dreaming of the praise he hopes to receive from the one he secretly loves. The job was soon done, as the beasts licked up the remains of blood and swallow the boys innards whole. Pharon then returns to the palace in which the royal family lives, the family who is in charge of planing these 'murders' of the dream folk.


It was nearly high noon by the time Pharon returned, bringing me news of his assignment. He asked the servants where I was and only got the reply of, " You shan't find her, she t'will find you, sir Everett." When one wouldn't tell him my where-abouts, onto another maid he would go. Again and again, time after time, he got the same answer. I will find him, not him find me. An hour had passed and my leading, trustworthy general, was growing impatient and furiated at my blatant disregard of his return. Escorted by the footman to the garden tables, he sat and sipped on after lunch tea. I smiled wickedly to myself, knowing that no matter how poorly I treated the lad, never would he be so foolish to commit treason against the beloved Princess. Grabbing the heavy skirt of my gown, I proceeded to walk the path leading to the table in which sat a man that has proved his worth.

" Madame, this young man wishes to speak with thee."

" Yes, Liza, I know. Go bring some tea and cakes, for my guest and myself... thank you my dear." Silence encased the aromatic garden full of roses and hybrids. An handful of minutes passed before Liza returned, carrying a silver plater full of delicases and tea. She began to pour the tea for me, but I stopped her and deemed it unnessacary, and that I was grateful for her courtesy. Silence enveloped my extravagant garden, whilst I poured tea but my hands were brushed away by Pharon. He fixed my tea just perfectly, very sweet with no lemon, and gave me my favorite pastry, a cherry danish.

" Your Highness, I think you will be pleased to know that the clean up went smoothly, there is no scrap left of the child and no sign of my men was left behind. I hope my success pleases you, Madame.", there was a bright sparkle of happiness in his eyes of gold. He bowed as to dismiss himself and kissed my hand, as many do when departing from or entering a Royal's presence.

" Pharon, I am well pleased with you... seems that my doubt in your success was proved to be ill-manered of me. Go and celebrate as you always do after a murder, eat, drink and be merry." Taking his que to leave, he bows deeply and leaves the garden and myself behind, humming a jolly tune that I have never heard. Smiling to myself, I ponder what it would be like to be free of all duties that weigh upon me, and be allowed to mingle and be part of a celebration. For the balls in which I'm forced to attend, are so bleak and stiff, but I've watch Pharon and his fellows dance and sing... what a wonderful time it t'would be.

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