Chapter two

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Syn stood with her back toward the furiated storm, swiftly closing in on her. Tall grass and many kinds of wild flowers, bowed in the wind, several awaiting their turn to break away and be free of the ground. The cold wind ripped through Syn, cutting through her down to the tortured soul, exposing all that was left in tact. Grass flying around her, mingling with the shreaded fabric of her long black silk dress. Spiraling to a peak above her, slicing her skin as the sharpend grass turns into shards of broken glass and twisted metal.

All the while, Syn tries to yell out in agony, yet nothing comes forth from her lips. Scarlet tears stream from her stormy eyes in a steady river. Dark, misty shadows begin to form outside the vortex around her. Wide eyed and filled with terror, a faint sream, escapes her lips and stirs the misty creatures to utter anger.

Clawing and hissing at the vortex, to no avail, continuously trying to reach her. As they pound away at the vortex, Syn is kneeling on the ground, hands over her ears yelling for them to leave her alone. Relentlessly they attack the storm, determined to get at her exposed state of mind. The storm continued to rage on, Syn becoming comfortable once more, knowing that she couldn't be harmed. All to quickly the storm began to move on, leaving her exposed to the demons.

Retreating from the vicious wind, the demons waited and watched as Syn sat unmoving in the place that the tornado had once been. They watched recognition and despair rise up in her pale grey eyes, watched her breathing come in short gasps, as she fumbed her mind for a way out of this desolate valley. Deep crimson blood flowed from her wounds, darkening and staining the black silk of her dress.

Syn watched as the purple eyed demons crawled toward her. Through dilated pupils she saw taloned claws, reaching for her, refracting moon light as they attempted to close on her. Crystal wings and talons shone bright in the orange glow of the moon. Creeping up on her hunched form, they paced themselves, waiting for her to flinch and move.

Sprinting for the woods, Syn's heart raced, pounding out of her chest and about to burst with fear. Howling rose up behind her fleeing figure, dark woods looming in front of her, threatened to consume her. Pounding paws signal the closing of the monsters, yearning to drag her back to darkness with them. Frazzled, Syn dives into the woods, praying that they won't follow her into the sacred place of her people. Crashing into the barrier, they screech in anger and pound away at the invisible shield.

As she gets up her foot slides and part of her is out of the protective barrier. Delighted beasts rush toward her, digging into her tender flesh and ripping it apart. Talons dripping with crimson slash at her, fanged mouths drag her into the field once more. They drag her to the darkened figure , untouched by the orange glow.

The hooded figure, peers down on her bloodied and half clothed body with bright crimson eyes that glow. Wide eyed Syn watches as the figure removes the hood and exposes itself to the moon. Long flame red curls flow down her bare shoulders, crimson eyes peer at her. The girl looks just like.. like me!?!

Jolting awake, I realized that it had just been a nightmare. My sheets clung to my sweat drenched body, a fever already rising up in my body, burning me with cold ice like fingers. Detaching myself from my sheets, I trotted down stairs to the kitchen to grab a glass of cold water. Upon reaching the kitchen, I felt my fever spike up and blood rose up in my mouth. Lightheaded I sat on a bar stool, deep breathes, in... out... in and out.

Once I had my breathing back to normal, I got up and went to grab a glass from the deep cherry cabnets. Reaching up on my tip toes, I fummed around for my favorite glass. A crystal blue, stemless wine glass, given to me by my now dead grandmother. It was the very glass that she had drank from on the night she died, also, it was the first glass she allowed me to drink from. Plucking it from the highest shelf, I set it on the counter top and glanced at the window. In it I saw a worn down, lonely, lost girl staring at me.

Her eyes burned a bright red, and her flaming locks lay limp on her shoulders. Pale and grey, her skin took on a translucent color, sickness and worry is finally taking its toll on her beauty. As I stand straight and still, I begin to cry. Scarlet tears roll down the frail cheek bones of the withered creature in front of me... I am that frail, sickly looking monster. Tears streaming down my face, I drop onto my knees and hunch over myself. Hugging myself, telling myself that it will all be okay, that I'm not who I used to be and that once I find Syn, I won't hurt her.

" I'm not who I used to be.. why can't they understand that? I'm no longer their master, I gave up on that. Yet, I still feel the rush of energy when I remember how my victims screamed in agony... it was utter bliss! No, No!! What am I saying, I can't go back... for to go back would be to die another death only to live eternally with evil."

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