Beakhyun's POV
Summer vacation is almost over and school is going to start again. I'm nervous and excited and I'm panicing but all those feelings go away when I see him. With his height and his beautiful smile. His voice his walk, Chanyeol is perfect and I just feel happy but shy when he is around. I have loved him since 6th grade. I never thought anything would happen with us, I'm gay and he is probably straight. Every girl is up on him like flies to honey. I wish he was mine, one time I saw him with his shirt off and I thought I was going to die from the beauty.
Chanyeol's POV
I don't want summer to end, I kinda accepted... I was... Gay and what if someone finds out that I'm gay for freaking Baekhyun. He literally is the straightest looking guy I know. Or at least "know" we never talk, only a hi or hey when we pass in the hallways. I remember one time I thought I saw him blush like a firetruck when we said hi to each other. I just wanted to squeeze his adorable cheeks.

Romeo's soulmate?
FanfictionBasically Chanbaek ff, isn't sensual just cute. If you aren't looking for smut then you have come to the right place. Takes place in mostly a school scene. Cute and awkward, some romantic scenes