~skip to first day of play practice~
This chapter will be the main characters thoughts only one initial will be used for each characterB: I can't believe that I get to kiss Chanyeol at the end of every performance at least simple is sexy!
~Only EXO-L's will understand the reference~C: Oh my Gosh, can I even handle kissing Baekhyun. He drives me crazy.. in a good way of course.
B: Oh no, we freaking have to run through all the lines and the kissing scene is coming up. Oh good.... no kiss at most practices. Wait.. MOST practices!!
C: I can picture kissing his beautifully dreamy face...

Romeo's soulmate?
FanfictionBasically Chanbaek ff, isn't sensual just cute. If you aren't looking for smut then you have come to the right place. Takes place in mostly a school scene. Cute and awkward, some romantic scenes