1. Oh no

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Jungkook, Jin, and Jimin yelled in unison. The three boys woke up in surprise to their lovers yelling from a conjoined bathroom.
"Jinnie? Sweetheart what's wrong?!"
"Jiminie! Are you ok Jiminie?"
"Kookie!! What's wrong, what happened!?"
The three crashed into the door and knocked frantically on it. The door opened in a harsh manner and the three tumbled to the ground. The three on the floor lept up to their partners and inspected them thoroughly for injuries and whatnot. Jungkook was the first to sweatdrop and hide when Jin erupted in anger.
Suddenly, a drowsy Hoseok stumbled to the bathroom.
"What's going on?! It's 3 am!"
He stands in shock looking at the pregnancy tests that had all tested positive.
"Oh dear, oh dear oh dear oh dear."
It was then and there that BTS decided it was time for Hoseok to learn the skills of babysitting. The next day, the members had announced the pregnancies on vlive. Comments of congratulations and positivity flooded the vlive. Some groups had even wished them good luck during their upcoming concerts.
Got7 and ASTRO had given them a heartfelt congratulations in the muddle of their concerts and A.R.M.Y supported the boys 100%. The boys themselves were having a hard time. Hoseok knew nothing of babysitting, absolutely nothing. The hope of BTS had no hope in learning how to care for children. Over the next 3 months, Hoseok had made progress and so had the pregnancies. Jungkook was constantly craving ice cream and kimchi, while Jin craved bibimbap every night. Jimin, who insisted he was fine, secretly asked Yoongi for kimbap at night. Their lovers were doing their best to keep up with their hormones, cravings, and whatnot. Bang PDnim was trying his best to get in touch with one person. The only person he knew could help. (Y/n) (L/n) was the only person that could and would help him. She was a rising star, singing beautiful covers of American songs and even English covers of Korean songs. The only problem was, the girl knew nothing of BTS. Not a bit. She lived under a rock. Bang PDnim decided is was best to keep her a secret from the rest of the boys as Jungkook and Yoongi were fanboys and, though they didn't like to admit it, Namjoon and J-Hope were also big fans. Bang PDnim did tell some boys though, and they were Bangtan's best friends over at JYP, GOT7. GOT7 were big fans of (Y/n) (L/n), huge fans. They reluctantly kept the secret of (Y/n) being able to babysit from the boys, painfully they put up with keeping their mouths shut. The first trimester wasn't so bad for the boys, if only it would be the same for the second. Their stomachs had slightly grown in size, but they still danced songs like FIRE and Mic Drop, occasionally doing dances like No More Dream because Jimin was too shy to show his growing abdomen and disappearing abs sometimes. Jin, Jungkook, and Jimin had also found it harder to avoid being horny, sometimes even having to leave stage from raging boners. It was awkward for them and yet they put up with it. Needless to say, their partners were also exhausted. Namjoon, Taehyung, and Yoongi had to keep up with constant sex, cravings, mood swings, etc. All the boys were exhausted, especially J-Hope. He had lost all motivation to learn to babysit, but his love for his group members kept him going. He eventually learned the art of basic diaper changing and milk preparation. Hoseok desperately tried to learn CPR through the use of a simulator in his bedroom. He had failed the simulation again when Jungkook walked into his room.
"Hyung, I got mad at Tae again, and he's mad at me again..."
There were tears in the 3 and 1/2 month pregnant boy. Being the youngest, he was one of the most stressed. The poor boy was suffering from horrible mood swings, leading to arguments with Taehyung. He went to J-Hope for comfort in these times. This particular argument must have been bad because his eyes were bloodshot and flowing with tears. Jungkook never meant the arguments, but sometimes it would come off like that to his lover. He always felt horrible after each argument and he could only hope the pregnancy wouldn't worsen the mood swings even more. J-Hope turned off the simulator and beckoned Jungkook to him. He gave him his signature Hobi smile and a tight hug. Jungkook began to smile a bit when he heard Jin and Namjoon next door. They were having sex again for the third time this week, tears flooded his eyes again. Jungkook buried himself into Hoseok's shoulder and cried. Soon enough the door was slowly opened. Tae stood at the door with a sad smile and a few tears.
"Jungkookie, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it, I would never mean it. Baby, I'm sorry."
Jungkookie lept up and buried himself into Tae's chest with a smile.
"It's okay, salanghae Tae. I love you."
"I love you too Kook."
The two had mischievously made their way to their room, where the rest of the members can only guess what they'd be doing. Yoongi and Jimin had spent the day cuddling together, quietly and peacefully. If it weren't for the fact that Hoseok held a brotherly love for the boys, he would have backed out a long time ago.  Hoseok could only pray that the next few months would go smoothly. He couldn't have been more anxious to have little babies running around, but he really needed help. Bang PDnim also was stressed with the pregnancies. He would sometimes talk to his coworkers about a girl who could help, but the boys stayed oblivious to it. Slowly and surely, Hoseok learned to take babysit. The boys were elated at Hoseok's progress and overall commitment to learning. It was when they were celebrating that they got the news.
"Boys, I've gotten into contact with someone who could help."
"Who? Bang PDnim who??"
A loud sigh escape the man's mouth as he struggled to announce to them who was able to help.
"Boys, (Y/n) (L/n) has agreed to help, she's an old friend of mi-"
The fanboys erupted in squeals. Bang PDnim immediately regretted his announcement and muttered to himself.
"I shouldn't have told them...."

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