Chapter 2- I Need To See Him Again

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As soon as I set my foot in the warm bubble bath I JUST prepared, my phone rang in the living room. I grimaced and bit back an expletive. Think happy thoughts Liah! Flowers and rainbows and sh*t.

I pause, one foot in the tub, praying my phone would stop ringing and whoever it was would just leave a damn message. No such luck.

One foot dripping wet, and completely nude, I storm into the living room, thinking of one hundred ways to kill whoever was calling me.

Without looking at the caller ID, I answer the phone in a clipped tone. “Yes?”

A soft chuckle came from the caller.

I looked at the screen. It’s Samuel, my favourite stalker. F*ck.

Sammy is the guy I met at a work retreat two years ago. I saw him, and with that first glance, beneath his extremely thick lashes, he melted my panties right off. I’m not a girl who wastes time trying to get to know a guy. I’ve never really been one for that ‘The Notebook/ Noah and Ally’ kind of love. I screw ‘em and shoo ‘em. Simple.

Introductions were made right then and there. After a few cocktails in the bar, we exchanged room numbers and business cards.

I had him in my bed that night. Ha.

He may have been s*xy, but his s*x was………. Can I use the word morbid to describe s*x? It was fucking horrible.

I had put on my best black lace robe with nothing underneath, dimmed my lights and lowered the air conditioning. Hell, I even ordered chilled Ace of Spade champagne (using the company’s card of course).

I called him over. He wasted no time coming to me. I tend to have that effect on men.

He didn’t bother to ‘waste’ anytime on foreplay either. It was a nightmare.

As he stepped to the door he picked me up and found his way to the bedroom. I just raised my eyebrows. Maybe he has a different way of doing things. I like a man that gets to the point.

Unfortunately, things went downhill from there.

After a few sloppy kisses, he untied my robe. I tried to help him! I really did! I arched my back and opened my legs , and he put his hands right between my legs.

Remember that poem by Maya Angelou, phenomenal woman? That specific line…. ‘I dance like ive got diamonds at the meet of my thighs’? Well he must have thought my v*gina was lined with precious jewels, cause he started digging away! I wasn’t even wet!!

I rolled my eyes towards the heavens. I gently pulled his hands out of my now EXTREMELY tender v*gina and smiled. I nibbled his ears and stuck my tongue in it, then started l!cking slowly on his lobe. Maybe if I teach him a tip or two he’ll do a better job.

I felt the front of his pants. His d!ck was harder that the diamonds on Lil Wayne’s teeth.

This got me slightly turned on.

I laid back and he climbed on top of me. I closed my eyes, ready to experience a little death, as the French say.

I felt a searing pain run through my abdomen. I inhaled sharply, and opened my eyes. I felt like I was being f*cked by a hammer.

Sammy was on top of me, his face set in deep concentration, with his d!ck sunk into my Sahara Desert- dry p*ssy. I gripped his blonde hair, willing myself not to scream.

A few thrusts and grunts later (I swear it didn’t last more than four minutes), he was done. He rolled off of me, patted my stomach and began snoring shortly after. I just stared at him. I wanted to kick his no-can-f*ck ass out but all I could do was stare.

I spent the rest of the work retreat hiding from him. He has called me twice a week since then.

He clears his throat and brings me back from my memories. “Why so quiet? Miss me?” he asked.

I fight the bitchy response threatening to escape my lips. “Just thinking about how I’m gonna pay my car insurance.” I say, in a very depressed voice.

“C’mon baby you know I’ve got you covered’, he says, trying to sound all macho I guess. “I pay it on time every month’.

If you were wondering why I keep him around, ding ding ding! You just got your answer. No we haven’t had s*x since the First Disaster. Phone s*x keeps his gullible ass quite happy.

“When am I gonna see you ?” he whines.  “Ive been dying to touch you. I need to f*ck you. I can’t get you out of my mind.” He rushes on.

I smirk. “Soon, honey.” I promise him. “How about I send you some nudes later?” I ask, my voice dripping with sensuality.

He starts panting like a dog in heat. Asshole. I try not to burst out laughing. We chat for a while (well I talked and he moaned, or whatever he calls that barbaric sh!t)

I tell him I have to go and drop the phone in the couch.

By now my bath is freezing cold so it really makes no sense. I pull the plug and watch the water drain. As I stand to leave the bathroom, I get a glimpse of my body in mirrored wall. I kind of stare at myself. My face, the face of an angel, as my dad would call it was slightly cherubic with high cheek bones and my dimpled smile but my steely blue eyes, framed by long lashes always made me look unapproachable. My golden blonde hair flowed past my shoulders in ringlets, stopping in the middle of my back. I loved my face. I looked just like my favourite grandmother.

My body is what society would think of as perfect. I have perfect creamy skin (with a slight tan to complete this killer look…hehehe) and the typical hourglass figure, with D-Cup breasts. My body is well toned (I spent HOURS in the gym keeping in shape. No one wants a saggy body!)

I eventually leave the bathroom, wrap a towel around me and head to the kitchen to pour myself a glass of wine.

I allow my mind to stray and it automatically goes back to the Greek God I saw earlier that evening. For some strange reason I found myself trying to remember the colour of his eyes. Then I realised I had spent all of the brief convo staring at his rock hard abs and his breath stopping smile.

 He was so….. something.

 I’ve never had a guy peak my interest to that extent. Im pretty sure its not just his looks. Ive seen quite a few hunks (do people still use that word?...) in my time

What was his name again??? Caleb? Shit. I can’t remember. But I need to know more about him

But I need to see him again

Ohhhkayy.. second chapter is finished J what do you think? I never really planned to make Liah such a bad ass, but I think shes taken on a life of her own.

Im thinking of having each character represented by an actor/actress. For Liah, im thinking of Claire Holt

For Carter-Charles Michael Davis

Its so easy to think of these two having chemistry -Thanks to The Originals (by the way I Loooovveee that show!!)

Im Out :P

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