Chapter 22: Velvet Box

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tips for the reader:

"....." conversation

'......' thought

*......* mind link

Chapter 22: Velvet Box

"Haru..." Kristina's voice sound very dry so Haru pour a glass of water for her Mother. Kristina gladly took it.

Haru immediately inform the doctor that her Mother is awake, the doctor Came and check on her Mother. The doctor told haru that her Mother is back to normal. She can be discharged soon. Haru told the doctor to inform her aunts, Uncles and grandparents.

Everyone is overjoyed to hear that kristina is awake after 3 weeks. Everyone stop what they are doing and rush to the hospital and dash through the door.

"Bam!" Everyone Heard a crash but ignore it as they didn't think much and they are too happy to see kristina.

Haru soon notice her mother's mates are on the floor,rubbing their head and getting up from the floor. Kylie had forgotten to take down the barrier just now. Both of them just stare blankly at them, they are in a mess since kristina is not around. Haru tired to get her aunt's attention by pull her arm and shirt but failed miserably.

A light bulb appear and an idea just pop up in her mind, "Ah!!" She let out a high pitch scream.

"What?!" Everyone seem annoyed and glared at her.

"Sorry but it's Looks like u all seem for forget about someone or two." Haru reminded them. All of them soon realise that Luhan and Lay are still outside because of the barrier, starring at them looking hopeless.

"Oh sorry!" Kylie quickly took down the barrier.

Luhan and Lay ran in with their werewolf speed and gave kristina a bone crashing bear hug. Everyone also join them in the hug.

"Guys... can't breath.... u are crushing me. I need air." Kristina gasp, everyone soon Let go laughing at her reaction.

"I miss you so much... I thought U are gone.... the doctor has to put u one life support because we believe that u will come back. They told us that u are gone. Please don't leave us like that." Luhan cried.

"I promise I won't. I saw Mother and she gave me a choice, to stay with her or come back to be with u." Kristina comforts Luhan as he is crying like a baby. He really didn't get a lot of sleep or eat a lot. He look so skinny and have dark eyes circles. Luhan looks the worst compared to Lay.

"Tina u better take care of urself better if know I will kill u!" Kylie scolded her.

"Little sis, sorry to break this moment here but I just informed Eomma and Appa that u are awake. They want to crown u as crown princess. They want u to have the throne." Lawrence said.

"But... Oppa? Shouldn't u be king?"

"No it's okay, u are destined to be queen. With u being queen, the kingdom will be at its fullest and strongest. The ceremony will be held soon."

"Ok.... I also have something to tell u all... Before I pass out, I have decided on who I will choose to be mine life Long mate... Mother say that is not official that I just told him. I will need to do it officially so he can get to meet his second chance mate." Kristina told everyone.

"I, Kristina Song Wen Xing, princess of the wolves kingdom reject you, Lay Zhang Yi Xing, as my mate." Kristina look at Lay as she reject him.

"I accept your rejection." Lay reply. He always knew Luhan had steal her heart away since the first day they met. He thought he has a chance but He know that she will be more happy with him.

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