Chapter 8

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"Just get lost Evan!" Jason shouted. "You don't deserve her!" he said. "And you think you deserve her! I know you are a player! At least she was my first girlfriend!" Evan shouted back. "And she is my first...." Jason was about to say something but stopped. "Princess you go to your room. I will be there after dealing with this stupid." he said and smiled. I nodded and went to my room.

Why? What did I do to deserve this. Because of that stupid Evan I get nightmares and he thinks I will go back to him? Never! I hate him. I hate him from the depth of my heart.

I sat down on the bed taking my headphones and phones. I played one direction's songs and closed my eyes resting my head on the headboard. I don't know when sleep took over me and I slept.

When I woke up I found my headphone and phone on the nightstand kept properly and a blanket over me. I checked the time and it was 6:30. I got up and went out of my room. "Jason?" I called out. He quickly opened his door. "Yes?" he asked. "Nothing. I just thought you went out." I said. "Oh." he said. "Hey I wanted to ask you something." he said. "Hm. What?" I asked.

"About yesterday night." he said. I tensed up. Should I tell him about the nightmares? "Um. Come to my room." I said and went to my room and sat on the bed. He came and sat beside me again taking the stuff unicorn. "Do you like that unicorn?" I asked. "Um yes! It looks cute. Just like you." he said with a smile.

I blushed looked down so he won't see that I am blushing. I felt a hand softly lifting up my chin. "Don't hide your face. You look beautiful." he said smiling. My cheeks were heating up and I am sure they were red.

"So. About yesterday." I started. "Um. I actually get nightmares." "Well... when I joined this school.... Ashley would mostly be absent and David was in other school. Evan was my boyfriend at that time." I looked Jason's jaw clenched and fist tightened. But I continued. "Mr. Creed is his brother. I would mostly sit with Evan. He was very abusive towards me. He would... beat me and he had also tried to give me drugs but Mr. Creed knew nothing about this but after being tired of Evan I went to Mr. Creed after school to ask for help.

He... was becoming very touchy and I was feeling very weird around him. I somehow ran from the school that day but after that he would do this every day. Detentions, Punishments and what not he would do to make me stay with him after school.

I would get... nightmares, but no one knew about that. One day Zack saw me and Evan at an alley. He saw him forcing me to take drugs. He called Alex and beat the shit out of Evan and called police before Alex came there.

The police arrived after Alex came there. Evan would do this every day. I was too scared to tell this to Alex. I never told about this to Ashley and David. They only know Evan is my Ex boyfriend and that he forced me to take drugs. Alex doesn't know about Mr. Creed till now, in fact no one knows about Mr. Creed except me not even Evan.

I didn't see Evan since that day. Mr. Creed still is the same. Alex thinks that I started getting nightmares from the day when he came to know about me and Evan but I started getting them even before that." I said and looked at Jason.

He hugged me after I was done. He pulled back and looked into my eyes. His eyes were full of Anger, Sadness and.... Guilt?

"I am sorry Princess. I didn't know you suffered through all this and you are still suffering. I.. I made you cry yesterday, so many times because of my temper. I forced you to sit with me. I threatened you not to tell anything to Alex." He said again pulling me into hug.

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