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I luv 1d socthrguh jvhfb much

you: wot?!?!?!?

:your mom: you jots fexcited

Me: why

You: cuz I've got nidey nine probldms and im going to see ,y teripissed

me: lawl

my mom: getz ur skatah and get yo smelly butox doewn stairs right niewww!"

me: i sang rightt now by one direction vsfn.ibdjvfjfnefjkhurhf

you pops out of niweve

you: ask me of im a duck."

me: are is a duck?!

you: nooooooooooooooooooœ

my mom: wah. go downestaireeeees yoer yor móm is is here

me: móm?!?!? hwat are you takling abouf is mom not moham?!?! IDoita!

my mom: your móm iz me new wifee

me: you iz a lesbo mom?

my mom: yez

me: me twoooo!

my mom: really wanna go owt with mee

me: bu you iz my mom

my mom: okayz

the mom puzhed me down the stariesszzzz. móm saw and got upsett weith her new wifee

móm: dint do thsat to yous chickemfdhxfh

mom: i ded i loves you bae

i almoust threwwnu upnin my mowth when thei kidsed and made up

me: ewz mom doent kiss in public thatz is grosee

mok: sorry hot dog

the doorbellz ring

i answereddd the dorieeee

it was calume whoddie my mein.

mom: whoes that hottie

me: i tot uou is lesboq

mom: i lied

móm: wat,!! n

mom: i sowwy honey i love you

möm: okay

me: that is calume whoddie my lo mein

móm: iz he asien

mom: he iz sessy too bsd itz iwll eegul

me: hez mine we iz going on a date

móm: no you but youre bròs willi be heri soon okay?

me: cried wHY YOU DO DOs AGustus Waterfall ?!?!!?!?!?!

hazel grace: i now me twoooo?!?!?!?!

sobs together

know on te door

mòm: it iz your brós

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