From Model to Mother 2

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A couple months later I went to the doctor to get a check up on the baby. I cannot tell you how weird it was to be in there and actually be the one getting the check up.  I was in a doctor office with all these pregnant women and their husbands. Even weirder because I have a no sex before marriage rule. I felt like the only man that i should sleep with should be the one i will sleep with for the rest of my life.  And look at me now, 17 and pregnant. When he called me in every. Eye. In. The. Freaking. Room. Was looking at me. They did not have to say a word I could just hear it “Why is there a 17 year old going to an OB/GYN?” “What a slut!” “Where’s the father?” “She can’t handle a baby!”. that was the worst feeling of my life. When I got in the room it was a relief just to get rid of those eyes. The doctor came in about 10 minutes after I did. This is the part I was dreading. The doctor can't say anything to me degrading but i can only imagine what he thought when he took out the file that said "Brianna Ann Keller, 17, 8 week ultra sound"

There was a soft knock on the door as it creaked open. He walked over and introduced himself to me,he is my moms gyno so they already knew each other. 

The first thing he said to me was “I know what happened, and I’m really sorry"

I let out a sigh of relief. I was so glad to hear he did so i didn't have to use that...word. 

He cracked a couple jokes to break the heavy subject and then took out this blue gel stuff 

'I’m just going to check on the baby, this might be kind of cold,”

The doctor put this jelly on my stomach, which look really big for MY stomach. He took out this probe thing and started rubbing this jelly stuff all over my abdemon. It was the most unconfortable situation i have ever been in.  He pointed to a screen and asked me a kind of odd question,

From Model to MotherWhere stories live. Discover now