Her Free Skate

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Viktor took you out to a cute little restaurant, where you claimed a table in the back corner, giving you privacy as you talked, ate, laughed and made out. A lot. You knew it was only a matter of time until you were separated again, you going to France for the Trophee de France and Viktor and Yuuri getting ready for the Rostelecom cup so you made the most of it. While you didn't sleep together, still taking it slow and him trying to be considerate of your competition tomorrow, he didn't protest when you pulled him into your room and curled up next to him, falling asleep in his arms.

You woke first. And even just lying there in bed, Viktor's arms around you, you knew that you were going to skate well today. You knew you were going to skate for the Russian currently in your bed and you would show the world just how much he meant to you. You smiled as you looked at your sleeping boyfriend's cute face, gently brushing a lock of his silver hair out of his face. Deciding to let him sleep a little longer, you got up, stumbling to the shower, letting the warm water wake you up before you got dressed, putting on one of Chris' oversized Switzerland skating jackets to keep you warm and carefully began doing your makeup. Today's skate was about love and the love you were skating about was hardly innocent. The outfit Chris had gotten you screamed seduction – more so than what you usual wore on the ice – so you intended to have your makeup match. You looked at your bold red lipstick for a second before slipping it in your pocket, deciding it was probably best if you put that on later - you had a Russian to wake up. Perching on the edge of the bed, you couldn't help but stare at the sleeping male before you.

"Viktor," you whisper, slowly running your fingers through his silver hair. "Good morning." You felt him stir but you didn't stop stroking his hair.

"Good morning, lyubov moya," he murmured drearily.

"Good morning, my love," you repeated. His eyes fluttered opened before widening in surprise as he looked at you, a faint tinge coming to his cheeks. You giggled as you got off the bed.

"What time is it?" he asked, an edge of panic in his voice as he feared he'd overslept.

"Time for you to get up if you have any intention of having breakfast with me," you called over your shoulder as you looked in the mirror, debating what to do with your hair. Sighing, you quietly cursed Christophe as you quickly braided the side bits before pulling it all up into a ponytail. Had you been on your own terms, you would've gotten a hair ornament to match your costume but since this was forced upon you, you had no choice but to live without.

"You look beautiful," Viktor said from behind you, his fingers gently tilting your head towards him as he kissed you.

"Thanks," you reply.

"You'll do brilliantly today."

"Yeah," you agree, grabbing your bag as you head out the door.

Your confidence was shattered.

It was hard to imagine that you'd woken up with such as good feeling as locked eyes with your ex across the rink. He smirked at you before jerking his head at the figure skater currently on the ice. An American girl. His new girlfriend. You were mesmerised as you watched her and the nerves began to hit. How could you beat that? She was good. Yesterday you were too distracted to watch the other skaters, but now you were seeing more than you'd like as the first finished and the second started and as the second finished, the third started.

Your breathing was coming faster now as you began to panic. How on earth were you supposed to beat these woman? They were good. They were very good. They had time to prepare for the season. They had time to practice. They hadn't spent a year and a half off the ice. How could you compare?

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