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Much like Viktor had promised, we made it to the rink within 15, no doubt being a perk from having the hotel so close. While the rink wasn't overly crowded, there were still a decent amount of people on the ice, no doubt hyped up due to the competition in 3 days.

"He's a good influence on you," Chris said as he looked at his watch, holding out my skates as we made our way over to him. Josef and Yuuri were also there, as well as a man I had no doubts was a journalist that Josef had clued in on what would happen.

"Yeah yeah," you complain, taking them from him as you put them on.

"You ready?"

"Ready for what?" I ask innocently. "We're just... relaxing, right?" You wink.

"See you on the ice," he rolls his eyes, taking off into the rink first.

"What is the plan?" Viktor repeated, getting more confused.

"They said I'm skating for revenge. So we counter that."


"You should know better than anyone that skating can convey more emotions than words can sometimes," you smile, pressing a kiss to his lips. "So watch. You have wanted to watch me skate properly, right?" He nodded, squeezing my hand one last time before I went onto the ice.

You and Chris skated separately for a while, warming up, practicing on your own and listening, getting a feel for the space you have on the ice with the rest of the skaters and keeping an ear on the music. You weren't wrong when you said you were relaxing. You and Chris weren't going to skate a routine. At least, not a pre-made one. You were comfortable enough with each other to freestyle. You laugh to yourself as the song changes from an upbeat one to a slower song about overcoming past sadness.

"How fitting," you murmur to Chris as you circle around each other in the centre, before you take his hand as he brings you both to a stop.

"You ready, my kitten?"

"No. I'm terrified. This will publically confirm my return to skating. Of course I'm scared," you admit softly. "But with you here, I'll know you'll catch me if I fall." He just smirks in response before you start to move. You've skated together enough to know each other's subtle movements and leads so despite freestyling, you're both completely in sync as you dance, spin and jump. You can't help but smile as his hands move to your hips before you get flung in the air, twirling as you do before landing gracefully. You don't notice most of the skaters having stopped, their eyes glued to the two of you. You don't notice the flash of the occasional camera as the public take photos, as well as the journalist. You just let it all go as you skated with Chris to the music. When you finished, your arms above your head as you leant back, Chris' arms around your waist, supporting you, you were panting. Slowly, you came back to your senses and heard the applause.

"I suppose that went well," you mutter as you straighten up, leaning into Chris.

"It's one hell of a way to show off that you're back on the ice."

"Sorry for always dragging you into my messes, Chris," you apologise as you slowly began to make your way off the rink.

"If I didn't have you, my kitten, life would be boring."

"Heaven forbid your life be boring," you roll your eyes.

"Just go get your man before he gets a permanent frown on his face," Chris whispered into your ear, pushing you towards the exit.

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