Oreos why!!! DX

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Me: hello my little proxies!!! most of the others are asleep but I got a dare and you all know I like to update really fast and answer the q's and d's close to when I get them!!!

Liu: ok!!! from shila_the_killer: it's great so far oh and I dare Jeff to eat only Oreos for 10000 years XD

Jeff: good thing I like Oreos but the only other thing I do eat is the blood of my victims!!! Well, that would be drink so I am good with that!!!

Me:you hungry yet???

Shila: did jeff see my dare!!! XD he did!!! he is eating Oreos!!!

Jeff: thanks a lot shila!!! *munching on Oreo* I love them!!!

Me: that ended pretty well!! I am gonna go to bed now!!!

Jeff:*while raven is asleep* shila... I will make you go to sleep for this... and you will not wake up *to himself*

~~~~~~le time skip cuz I lazy~~~

Me: hi jeff!!! how about some eg... er i mean Oreos.

Jeff: yes!!!

Madison: jeff, what where you talking about to yourself last night???

Jeff: nothing!!!

Liu: morning.

Me: hi Liu!!!

Mac: ohh eggs and bacon!!! yay!!!

Blade: BACON!!!

Shila: hi .-.

Me: hi shila!!!

Slenderman: jeff, may I talk to you alone please???

Jeff: ok!!!

Slender: shila tells me she overheard you say you where gonna make her "go to sleep"??? am I right.

Jeff: yes... and I will!

Slender:then you can get out if my mansion right now!!!

Jeff: ok.. :( I'll go say bye to everyone.

Madison: hi jeff!! What did slender want with you!!!

Jeff: to say goodbye to everyone.

Madison:*crying* b-but why!!! :'(

Jeff: because I am leaving the mansion!!!

Me:ohh... We will all miss you jeff!!! stay safe!!!

Liu: bye, brother. I will miss you the most.

Shila: ...

Jane: hahaha you will be gone!!!! yes!!!

Me: jane...

Jane: yes

Everyone: GET OUT!!!

BEN: I will miss you bro.

Madison: always remember me jeff!!! I love you!!!

Jeff: well... bye ej, lj, rake, slenderman, and everyone else... bye.

*Jeff walks out the door*

~~~~~~~~~~~new york, one week after Jeff left~~~~~~~~

Person: hi, are you ok??? you look sad there with your head down like that.

Hooded boy: yes I am sad and the only way to make me happy is for you to... *looks up and is Jeff* GO TO SLEEP!!!

* Jeff kills the random person and runs to kill some more*

Hoody: my my jeff, you are living the killers dream life!!!

Jeff: hoody what are you doing here!!!

Hoodie: coming to find you!!! everyone wants you back and you don't have to eat Oreos anymore!!! Please come back!!! Madison misses you!!!


Cliffhanger!!! hahaha >:) what will Jeff say???? No one knows but me and Jeff!!! I wrote this one long for all you guys!!!! I thought my story needed more excitement so here it is!!! thank you for reading!!! took me pretty long (for my timing DX) to write!!! tried to make it special!!! thAnk you!!! I haz BEN (see what I did there XD) inspired by all my followers to make this one!!! thank you Oreos and the question by shila!!! thank you shila!!! I've Bennett wanting to write Jeff running away for awhile!!! remember

Stay beautiful (jeff: like me XD)


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