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"Hey, loser. Just wondering how you're going...I haven't heard from you in a while – why aren't you at school?"


"Hey, it's me. Again. Um, you've missed school for the third time. Not even Ned knows where you are – I thought you were gonna be straight with us from now on?"


"You're hiding things again, loser. Seriously, Ned's terrified! Why can't you just call back?


"If this has something to do with the Avengers going to space, then I'm going to kill you dead, Parker."


"You're not going to die, right?"


"Please...call back. Please."

Peter sniffed, blinking rapidly as he switched off his phone.

He had no idea how much Michelle actually cared. Obviously, he hadn't brought his phone with him on the mission. Or, as the media has dubbed it, the "Infinity War". But, Michelle being Michelle, she had figured out where Peter was. Peter hated how cunning she was.

The voicemails she'd left had gone through to his suit. He had ached, knowing that he couldn't reply. He wanted to. He really did, but...he was busy. He couldn't have afforded a distraction like MJ. None of the Avengers could have. It was dangerous enough, as it was.

And yet, she hadn't mentioned it once, today at school. It had been awkward. Peter had had been walking across the school yard to the school, noticed her leaning against the door frame, sort of jogged up to her and had gone in for a hug. He had got a very uncomfortable handshake in return. They didn't even make eye-contact, and Peter had been glad for the bell ringing, signalling the start of first period.

Was she mad at him? Probably. Did he care? Probably.

But she had purposefully left her book behind, Peter knew that for sure. It was still lying in his bag – he had only just gotten back from patrol. He was back earlier than he had expected, though. It was only a quarter past ten.

So, he flicked on his lamp at his desk, rubbing his aching eyes wearily. He was always tired, lately.

He reached for his school bag, plopping it onto his lap and rummaging through all of his textbooks and clothes. He pulled out the book.

"Of Human Bondage." He read aloud, squinting slightly. He'd heard of the book before, most likely from MJ, but never knew what it was about. But he didn't really care about that now. Instead, he gently flipped open to where the paper was sticking out.

He unfolded it, realising with a jolt, that it was the drawing. The one that Michelle's little sister had drawn, of her, MJ and Spider-Man. Oh, and the little Iron Man partying in the clouds.

He grinned, feeling a weight lifted off his shoulder. Maybe she wasn't mad. Maybe this was her way of saying 'I forgive you'.

Then he had to go and look at the other side.


"Hey, kid." Tony exclaimed, slapping Peter on the shoulder when he arrived at the compound.

"Hi Tony." Peter mumbled, casting him a small smile.

Tony stopped in his tracks, eyebrows raised at the teen. "What's wrong with you, today?" He asked mockingly.

"Nothing." Peter rolled his eyes. Mr Stark sighed, not convinced.

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