(AU) - F: First Time For Everything

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I've got to give a warning here as there is a scene which some people might find uncomfortable towards the middle of this fic😢

It had been a long day at the school today, and relief rushed through all of the teachers as the last bell of the day went. The school was a mainstream high school with an adjoining Sixth Form centre, and Ms Chase was happy to have finished her day teaching her Chemistry class of Sixth Formers. They were never disruptive, never impolite; teaching them was how teaching should be. She smiled to herself as she dismissed her class, making her way over to her desk, knowing that she needed to sort out which pile of books was most important to mark - year 9 set 4, or year 8 set 1. She almost wished that she'd set the Sixth Form class homework, just so she got to mark something a little more exciting than simple 'arrangement of protons, neutrons and electrons'. That wasn't her idea of Chemistry; she liked organic Chemistry the best, as it was most closely related to pharmaceuticals. She'd always wanted to be a doctor, but she ended up deciding that it was too gruesome for her, and so she became a teacher instead.

Startling Ms Chase from her little daydream was a shy knock at the door, and she turned around to face the source.

"Hi, um, I'm here for my um, my um.."

"Detention," she finished for him, subconsciously scolding herself for forgetting about organising it. She also worked as the Head of Upper Sixth, and so when one of her year group's students had hospitalised a younger year 11 student, it was her job to reprimand him. She had decided that internal exclusion was the best option, followed by after-school detentions for a week so she could try to understand the cause of the fight. He had obviously finished his time in internal exclusion, so she invited him inside to sit opposite her.

He didn't seem upset in having to suffer the consequences but seemed truly depressed for a reason that she couldn't quite put her finger on, and as Ms Chase watched him slump into a seat, she felt her heart swell with pity.

"Jacob, I've been meaning to ask you - why? Why did you do it? You're usually such a well behaved lad." That was true - the school had been so shocked when they'd found out it was Jacob Masters who was throwing the punches. He was usually very well behaved; he had a lot of friends, a quirky attitude, and always knew when the right and wrong times to crack a joke were. He was practically an exemplary student, and nobody had known what had gotten into him when he became such a violent monster.

"I just snapped, Miss. He said something I didn't know how to deal with." Ms Chase nodded as she had presumed as much. She'd witnessed the fight first-hand, and never in her life had she been more scared. It started as Jacob walked past a group of lads talking, and he suddenly stopped parallel to them with anger etched in his features. Then, he'd asked the boys to repeat what they were saying, and one had cockily decided to follow this instruction. The next thing they knew, the boy was on the floor and Jacob's fist had left a nasty imprint in his jaw, but it didn't stop there. Jacob was on top of the boy in seconds, his fists pounding into the other boys face like he was nothing more than a punching bag. Jacob was screaming "scum" to the boy, with tears pouring down his face, and it had hardly taken much effort from Ms Chase to pull Jacob back because he had been so emotional. The victim's face was barely recognisable, but it was Jacob that Ms Chase was more concerned for - he looked broken, and ashamed, but at the same time, he had a look that said he would have done it over and over again if it meant that the boy could feel a fraction of the pain that Jacob was going through.

"You're usually the sort of person who would talk to a teacher if there was an issue." To that, Jacob just shrugged. "Can you at least tell me what he said?"

Jacob looked to his teacher with a look on his face that told her she should already know, and the gaze made her feel a little nervous inside.
"Brayden, Alex, and Jack all bragging about something terrible they've done... what do you think I heard?" She swallowed hard, surely he didn't know? She felt herself blushing as she recalled the last time she spoke to those three boys, forcing all the memories that she'd hoped were just nightmares out of the box she'd locked them away in.

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