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It was 1.53pm and I was walking down the hallway towards meeting room D once again with my A1 portfolio under my arm, early as usual.

I felt a perplexing mixture of emotions as I knocked on the door, waiting for his familiar voice to call out and grant my entrance.

Once again, I found myself feeling something close to nervous, but I pushed it away as best I could and tried to return to my confident, mildly arrogant self.

Ha, who was I kidding?

Mildly was definitely not the word.


Well that went to shit.

I jumped out of my skin, regaining my posture as fast I could, as the door opened suddenly, and I was greeted by his gorgeous jade eyes mere centimetres from my own.

"Mr Styles."

I bowed my head as he stepped aside so I could enter the room.

I was surprised to see that Bella wasn't already in there, as she usually came down to the meeting rooms with him.

"What did I tell you about calling me that?"

He sounded slightly annoyed, as he took a long-strided step towards me and stood so we were face to face again, my back to the long meeting table, as I placed my portfolio down beside me.

I shrugged a little, trying to laugh it off but I just sounded nervous.

"Sorry, Harry," I gulped as he eyes danced and darted over my face,

"I keep forgetting."

He nodded slowly, his hands in the pockets of his suit trousers as he tapped his foot a little.

We stayed in the same position for a good few seconds, enough for me to notice that I was sweating again.

The things he did to me.

"I wonder how long we'll have to wait for everyone else to bother showing up," he hummed, suddenly taking a small step closer to me so the toes of our boots were almost touching,

"you are my star employee after all, it's not like they could ever live up to you."

It felt like my heart was trying to beat out of my chest and touch him as his sweet breath fanned over my face again, making my eyelids flutter.

I moved backwards a little without thinking, feeling the table edge pressing against the small of my back as he followed my movements, tilting his chin down so he was looking at me properly instead of down the bridge of his nose, like he did to everyone else.

"I could show you the mood boards now if you like?" I asked, putting on my best confident voice as I felt something unfamiliar under his gaze, a feeling that prickled over my skin, raising goosebumps over my entire body.


Surely it couldn't be.

"I want to see everything you've got." He breathed, his eyes softening so the green of his dazzling irises seemed darker but sweeter, as he reached up to rub his nose and chin a little.

There was something so sexy about the way he touched his own face, especially with the faint stubble that, as I'd already established in my brain, turned me on far more than it should've done.

As I nodded slowly at him, the breath almost catching in my throat as I took in his beauty, there was a knock at the door.

He rolled his eyes, something I'd never actually seen him do, as he groaned quietly and took a small step back from me.

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