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I smiled across at Harry, who was surprisingly full of life after the long ass drive from Dublin to my brother's house.

He was humming his heart out to Songbird as he glanced briefly at the map on his phone.

I'd been staring at him so long I almost felt a little motion sick, but it was worth it to watch him sing. Especially because it was one of his favourite songs of all time, and he'd sung most of it directly to me despite the fact that I'd told him to keep his eyes on the road.

Of course, I didn't really mean it – I'd let him sing to me every day for the rest of our lives if it kept alive that twirly feeling of happiness in my belly.

"Almost there." He chirped, shooting me a grin before looking back at the road.

I sighed, feeling so happy that there were honestly no words to describe it.

Even just being in the car with him, watching the way his expression changed with each ounce of concentration made me feel like everything was right in the world.

He was becoming more and more of a comforting presence for me, and I could only hope that grew with our relationship. I'd never felt calm quite like this.

"Cool," I hummed, sucking in a breath as he moved his free hand to rest on my thigh, stroking the diameter of my kneecap with his thumb,

"you nervous?"

"Not really," he shook his head, not shifting his gaze,

"I mean, a little bit. I really want everyone to like me, but I know you'll be there with me so it can't be all that bad."

I nodded, hoping he could see me from the corner of his eye.

"Oh, good."

"Why? Are you nervous?"

I felt my eyes widen at the blatant nature of his question, my stomach instantly leaping into that uncomfortable queasy feeling of anxiety.

I was about to respond desperately that I definitely wasn't, I was just worried about him, even though I knew I didn't need to be, but when I noticed the small smirk adorning his lips, I stopped myself.

"Harry." I warned, lightly batting his arm.

He giggled softly as he gripped my thigh a little tighter.

"Because it's okay if you are. I know you worry far too much about me."

I could tell from the tone of his voice that he was teasing me, the dripping sarcasm and the tip of his tongue that was now poking out from between his grinning teeth was a dead giveaway.

"You're a dick." I huffed, only making him laugh loudly, shooting me a glance and making an exaggerated kissing noise at me.

"I love you!" he sung, elongating the 'you' as I rolled my eyes.

I hated that I couldn't resist his arrogant charm.

"You're very lucky that I love you too, Mr Styles." I scoffed, shaking my head and looking out of the passenger side window.

I could hear him chuckling as he continued rubbing my thigh, and I swear I could picture his smug little face without even turning back round.

"I know I am," he agreed, as we made the penultimate turning towards my brother's house,

"I'm the luckiest guy in the world."

I tusked, rolling my eyes and throwing up my hands in fake exasperation. We really thrived on winding each other up at the moment.

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