Being a Princess

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Her brown eyes then looked up to address Milya. "You diligently finished all your task."

"Yes mother." Milya spoke and then added hesitantly. "I was hoping that I could spend today with Princess Shirayuki."

Renalia softly smiled. "I see no reason why not. You have even dressed up for the occasion."

Milya smiled. "Thank you mother."

"Tomorrow though you will resume to your duties." Renalia spoke firmly.

"Yes mother. Of course." Milya bowed before they were interrupted by a knock on the door.

The group of royal counselors walked in and bowed respectfully before proceeding to speak. "My Queen, the meeting is about to begin."

"I'll take my leave mother." Spoke Milya as she gave a small bow and left the room.

Milya quickly headed towards the staircase and saw Shirayuki standing bellow at the great hall, dressed similarly to her, since Milya had lent some of her clothing to suit the climate of the forest. She then noted that Shirayuki was waiting at the great hall with Zen. Milya then slowed down her pace as she watched the couple interact from afar. She blushed and hid behind a pillar when she saw Zen embrace Shirayuki tightly. Her emerald eyes opened wide in realization as to how both felt.

Footsteps joined the couple as Mitsuhide and Kiki entered the great hall.

"It is time for us to go to our meeting." Spoke Mitsuhide and he slightly blushed to see the couple pull apart from their embrace.

Zen looked at his aides and nodded his head in understanding before he addressed Shirayuki. "Have a good time. I will be able to join you later in the evening for dinner."

Shirayuki smiled nervously, "Good luck in there."

Zen took her hand reassuringly, "Do not worry, negotiations are usually good. I promise to not do anything to upset the queen."

The three then left Shirayuki waiting at the great hall as they made their way up the staircase. Zen then caught sight of Milya walking down towards them. They greeted each other.

"Please take care of Shirayuki and have a good time today." Zen spoke as he came to face the princess.

"Thank you Prince Zen." Milya spoke with a soft smile as she observed his eyes glow when speaking of Shirayuki's name.

Zen nodded before continuing his way up to the landing with Mitsuhide and Kiki.

"Shirayuki." Greeted Milya as she approached her cousin once she made it down the stairs. "Mother has allowed me to spend the day with you."

Shirayuki smiled as she greeted her cousin. "Where are you taking me today?"

"Somewhere that I like to spend my time alone. It's a place no one knows." Milya spoke excitedly as she took her hand and both girls headed towards the door.

They headed to the small royal stable located on the back part of the mansion. Instead of finding horses in the stable they found a few rows of Aki birds perched on their nests. When they walked in all the Aki birds chirped happily to see the princesses and they proceeded to stand up straight and bow their heads. Shirayuki looked at them in surprise to see how well trained the Aki birds were.

Milya greeted them cheerfully, "Good morning everyone. Please don't mind us."

They chirped once more before going back to their usual posture. Milya took a rein from where it hung and proceeded to walk towards the smallest Aki bird in the stable. The Aki bird was not only different in its size but also its feathers were slightly lighter, making it look pink instead of bright red like all other Aki birds.

Princess Shirayuki of AkigayaWhere stories live. Discover now