A Fun Day After All

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Shirayuki and Milya stood side by side in front of the queen that early morning before breakfast. The two girls both stood patiently as Renalia looked over their reports regarding yesterday's incident with Holly at the bridge. Her brown eyes roamed over the words until she reached the end of the page.

"Princess Shirayuki." Renalia began as she settled the reports on her desk.

Shirayuki stood straight and looked at the queen firmly with her emerald eyes. Milya clenched her hands in anticipation as she stood there nervously looking between her cousin and her mother.

"I must apologize for what I said yesterday. It was wrong of me to have judged you so quickly." The queen spoke in a soft tone as her brown eyes regarded Shirayuki kindly.

Shirayuki looked back surprised, not expecting to hear that, but softly smiled at the queen. "Thank you for your understanding."

"But I must enforce on you both to not act recklessly once again." The queen then warned.

Milya and Shirayuki nodded their heads. She then looked at her daughter apologetically as well. "I must apologize to you too Milya. I should not have scolded you."

Milya shook her head, "You were acting like a worried mother." She replied with a smile knowing her mother's nature and personality.

"Regarding the aides." Both girls started at the same time and then looked at each other with a small smile. Milya nodded her head allowing Shirayuki to proceed speaking.

"Please do not punish them, they were not at fault. We had asked them to take a day off from their duties."

"Regardless, their first priority is always to keep you both safe. I expect them to have consulted me first if they needed a day off." The queen replied sternly.

"If that is the case, then I will accept their punishment." Shirayuki answered firmly.

"I will accept Linna's punishment on her behalf." Milya spoke up.

Renalia looked back in surprise at both girls and saw the spirit of her younger sister in the princesses' bright emerald eyes. She felt her heart squeeze and almost let her emotions show on her face.

"Very well then." The queen proceeded to say, "I will have you, Shirayuki, help Milya the whole day today with her duties and obligations. You will be her advisor and do whatever she asks you to have done. As for Milya, your duties will increase and you won't be aloud to ride Peach for a whole week."

Shirayuki and Milya nodded in agreement.

"You may leave for breakfast now and after that I expect you both to be in the study room serving your punishments." Renalia instructed.

Both girls bowed their heads and left the room, leaving Renalia alone with her thoughts.

"They are just like you Arya, so free spirited and tenacious." The queen whispered as her gaze went to the family portrait hanging above the mantel.

Her brown eyes softened when she saw the female figure of her younger sister standing beside her fifteen years old self. They were so happy back then. She remembered that day clearly and how her younger sister kept making her smile in order to get her to look pretty in the portrait. Regardless how they looked, Arya stood out the most and she could see Shirayuki's face looking back at her. Those green eyes glowed ardently with fervor and zeal, the same glow within Shirayuki and her Milya.

Renalia looked away and was reminded what needed to be done so that history did not repeat itself. "So that I don't lose you again." She whispered firmly to herself as she turned and walked to her chair.

Princess Shirayuki of AkigayaWhere stories live. Discover now