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The anticipation was insanity at its finest, Sasuke had his right foot bouncing on the marble floor staring off into space.

It all occurred so quickly. The way Haruko came in looking very tired, to not saying a word  then collapsing on the floor, Sasuke remembered how fast his heart fell too.

"You, Sasuke?" A voice came into a range of his hearing.

Looking he saw a face he barely recalled, "can I help you?" He asked slightly agitated, the girl with short neon green hair rolled her eyes. "I'm Kiwa, a friend of Ru. The hospital called me since I'm on her emergency list."


"Haruko dumbass."

The Uchiha eyes twitched as he crossed his arms leaning in the uncomfortable chair, "well?" Kiwa lingered on the conversation.


"Tell me how she is!"

Sasuke clicked his tongue tilting his head to the side, "you think I'd fucking be here if I knew? I'm waiting on the doctor if you can't tell." Kiwa's forehead scrunched up like a bulldogs as she sat down.

"Is this what she's into? I can't understand what Haruko wants to do with you."

That could've set the ravenette off. No one knew about their story, it wasn't anyone's business in the first place. The way she brightened up his day should be their secret. Each smile given and each touch should be theirs.

But then the doctor came.

"Haruko Ito?"

Sasuke and Kiwa both stood up scared for bad news. The doctor was Tsunade who sported a calm smile; "she's okay...just lack of hydration and sleep. We gave her medicine to ease her headache but she's okay."

Sasuke let out a breathe he didn't know he was holding, Kiwa sighed loudly laughing lightly to ease her stress. "Good to see you're doing okay yourself Uchiha." Tsunade hummed.

Ignoring her completely Sasuke asked if he could see Haruko. The blonde huffed muttering how much of a brat he was causing Sasuke to smirk. Giving the room information to the two Sasuke was the first to dash there.

Entering without a knock, Sasuke saw a healthier version of Haruko. The way she should usually be.

Haruko opened her mouth to speak


But Sasuke beat her to it

"You gave me a hear attack you idiot!"

Haruko frowned, "do you know how worried I was. F-fuck when I saw you basically black out...I don't know...you looked dead."

Haruko eyes widen in shock, "I'm sorry. It's just things have been stressful lately and I wasn't taking great care of myself." She explained.

The Uchiha shook his head, "then come for me to help."

"I don't want to be a burden, Sasuke-kun."

Sasuke walked over to the bed taking her hand in his, swiping his thumb across her skin. Haruko was a blushing mess not use to his affection.

"You're anything but...I care for you like no one else." He said. Three words wanted to come out and say how he truly felt, yet it just couldn't.

"I care for you too, Sasuke-kun."

Those words were enough for them, at least for now.



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