Prologue: Children

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A hidden place, a holy place, a depraved place where lives are built on trash. See with your own eyes but beware the dark and quiet places. See the trash, see the sinners and devot worshippers. Trash was everywhere, a place hated and barely whispered about in the light. See the part of the city drenched with the stench of rot and see the children who were born from its bowels knowing hunger and pain.

See those two children? The one on the fire escape, his or her little body slumped on the metal platform and his or her twig legs hanging off the side staring idly off in the distance at the piles of trash. The other child do you see him? The boy with messy hair having pep in his walk his eyes searching for trouble. He hasn't passed under the genderless child sitting on the fire escape and the genderless child hasn't notice the boy's presence. Will their fates intercross or will their fates parallel each other never to cross?

A shoe not quite secured to the genderless child slips from its tiny blackened feet at the precise movement the other child walked under the fire escape. The shoe tumbles and spins in the air gravity tugging the worn shoe to litter covered ground. As the boy walks out from beneath the shadow of the fire escape the shoe connects with the top of his head.

A startled yelp pierces the air and the genderless child looks down its mouth opened in shocked and now feeling the cold biting at its barefoot. The other child pulls out a switch blade and swings wildly at the unknown enemy who attacked him screeching, "Die! Die! Die!"

The genderless child tries to scramble back scared but noise is inevitable and the metal platform clinks and clangs alerting the child below making him stop and look up catching one of genderless child's foot being pulling back. The boy stops his wild swings, quick and panicked pants leaving his before he swings the blade up screeching, "You there you, attack Dare. Kill Kill you!"

The genderless child shakes scared, so scared it will die while the angry boy pocketing the switchblade launches himself at a barrel straight after. He kicks the barrel over continuing to screech, "Know there you! See I, get I there up. Sorry be you." The boy rampaging below frustrated and angry and unable to figure out how to reach the child above continues his assault on the rotten barrel which had panels missing from its sides.

The enraged boy spouts unreal words and begins kicking at any object after losing interest in the barrel until spotting the object which hit his head, the genderless child's shoe. He picks up the shoe inspecting it before looking up smirking evilly. The boy waves the shoe above his head taunting the genderless child, "Shoe got, shoe got."

The genderless child trembles continue and a soft voice pasts its chap and abused lips, "Sorry..." The angry boy stops his taunts and stares holding the shoe out in front of him, "huh, What?....That again say." The genderless child's fingers wrap around the bars of the platform, fingers with skin tight against the bone having a withered look like a dying flower.

Another soft word the voice shakey, "Sorry." The genderless child's head moves close to the bars peering down but long black oily hair hides its face. The angry boy clicks his tongue not having the heart to beat up the genderless child or yell more, the child above him appearing to be on death's door. He was accustomed to such sights but they bother him, he wasn't a heartless prick yet.

"Fine sorry. Do donna again that," spats the boy pointing with his hand holding the genderless child's shoe. The genderless child had no idea what the angry child was saying but he knew the boy's anger was gone. The previously angry boy squints his eyes, "You hey, Understood?"

The genderless child unsure nods its head which makes the boy below it smirk triumphantly and speak cockily, "Down get here and shoe get back." The boy places his hands on his hips figuring out the genderless child was indeed a child like himself which peaked his interest but now he was curious about the gender of the child. Was it a girl or boy?

After much tantrums from the boy below because of communication problems, a ladder old and rusted slides down from the fire escape, the crash loud. The genderless child fumbles with climbing down the ladder and ends up losing its grip and falls for only the previously angry boy to catch its fall.

The boy makes an "umph" noise falling on his back, with the genderless child secured between his arms. The genderless child looks up its head on the boy's chest, the fall making its hair push back revealing a hollow face and blue eyes containing a sparkle of life.

The boy stares up at eyes, marveling at the pretty color, reminded of oceans he never been to but heard the stories about. Blue eyes were unheard of here. He sputters, "Name, Name,Name pretty eyes!" excitedly getting a blush on his face.

The genderless child murmurs two words, "Levi, yours?" The name not revealing the gender of the child but the two words sealed the fate of the two children. The genderless child smiles softly at the compliment its voice gentle, "Your eyes are pretty too."

The boy stutters several times, "Hey-heytu-tu-tun, Heytata....Heytun," before finally getting his tongue in working order to pronounce his name. The genderless smiles grow, "Pretty name too."

A butterfly effect, how interesting...

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